“Mmmmm-hmmm-hmmm-mmm!” Thalia hugged herself. “This sweater makes me feel warm, cuddled, and ready to face whatever winds blow our way!”
“Confident.” Urania adjusted her posture.
“Yes, and…” Calliope felt this c-word needed more nuance. “Not a belief that we have all… or any… of the right answers, but rather… that we show up with what we’ve got… win or lose… and make the best of it. Confident in our relationship with life.”
Words from Typist:
Last night at yoga, teacher Sarah reminded us to show up with self-love and self-respect on our mats. If, or more likely when, we fell out of a pose, could we talk to ourselves like we’d talk to our best friend? With kindness and encouragement?
Earlier in the day, I watched a 15 minute TED talk by Dan Harris.
The Benefits of Not Being a Jerk to Yourself
Funny, thought-provoking, muse-endorsed!
Today’s love letter title will make sense when you watch the video. 😉
I’m glad those two birds landed in support a question I’ve been asking when I catch myself marinating in worry, self-doubt, and/or self-criticism.
Are these thoughts helpful (your name here)?
I once saw a post on FB where a woman said she named her limiting beliefs Antwon and she was wearing a shirt that said (in huge letters) “SHUT UP ANTWON’. While I have said that when I find the limiting thoughts creeping in I think his approach of loving kindness is more my speed. Gail, may you be happy, may you be safe, may you be healthy and may you live with ease my friend.
Very good points he made. Thank you for sharing that.