Thalia caws in response to a crow while climbing the hill toward home.
Not trusting her memory, Nia ponders evidence like Sherlock. “The neighborhood is split — about one-third has pulled their recycle bin to the curb — and two-thirds have not.”
“Muuuuuh-st — dig — deeeee-per!” Tal warbles.
“Indeed…” Calliope joins in the play, “… Which neighbors have done what? My money is on the retired… the empty nesters… those with weeded flowerbeds.”
“I sp-eyeee where you’re going with this birds-eye view!” Thalia taps her chin with an index. “The harried young families — and adventurous life chaaaaa-sers —”
Nią peers through her glasses, “— likely have a memory like ours — about such matters.”
You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too.
~Sam Rayburn
That is a splendipperous pencil, Loveletterist! The slight bulge in the recycle can lends an air of authenticity as well. 😁
Isn’t it just like Thalia to call after the crow. I have a slightly used crow call she is welcome to borrow anytime. For me I reflexively answer the Barred Owls in our backyard. I’m okay with the basic “Who-who-who-WHO!” The powerful calling that reminds me of flying monkeys is well beyond my reach today. Afraid if I worked on that sound I’d have a free ride to a padded room🤔
The deductive reasoning and focused problem solving by the Muses is impressive! Inspiring! A pleasure to observe (words).
Is there a term for my type? Flower beds long overdue for weeding and mulching, but far from being off on a life adventure??
What?! Lazy you say! “You may be right, I might be lazy...” Sorry, Mr. Joel.
Best to all👏🏼👏🏼
Caws? Cause?