Thalia twirls and her robe pirouettes. “I luhhhhhv-ed that purple dress!”
“Outgrown.” Nia recalls the tiny anchor emblem near the neck.
“Along with… countless styles…” Calliope recalls shoulder pads and boot cut flares, “and patterns of thinking…”
A real conversation always contains an invitation. You are inviting another person to reveal herself or himself to you, to tell you who they are or what they want.
~David Whyte
A note from LoveLetterist:
Somewhere in childhood I picked up a pattern of thinking that has kept me small and afraid to fully engage with life.
"Don't ask. Don't be a bother. Never invite yourself."
I continue to learn this is a big: YES, AND!
Sometimes asking and or inserting oneself is inappropriate, but this is not always the case. Sometimes asking or inserting oneself can open a world of possibility.
Part of the deliciousness of life is we're never quite certain what's going to happen. 😂
A week ago, I asked a friend if she'd like to go see a play with me. She explained that she was already going with her husband.
I playfully asked, "Will he sell me his ticket?"
Her reply was the clichéd feather that knocks one over. "Actually... It'll be great if you will take the ticket. This will free my husband up to spend time with his mom who is visiting."
Is it possible to write stories other than the ones we've been handed?
Another tasty post, LoveLetterist, to one's brain! Especially wherever memories lurk. The anchor on your dress? Nautica? (for some reason I'm not strong on dress emblems...)
(Psst! Nia! Of course it's been outgrown; LoveLetterist graduated 1st grade already) Cal's offerings, which included boot cut flares unleashed a torrent of visuals and wordables! When I married in 1973, I wore a suit, crushed gold velvet material, with bell bottom flares, and shoes with patent leather embellishments (perfect for shoe gazing), and more than likely one of my dad's old ties. Probably polka dotted, owing to my total lack of a sense of coordination of colors and styles.
Was I having a "conversation?" Afterall I, had sent invitations. Simply, regarding conversation, no. Quite a bit more like "Peacocks on parade." Was I really that confident or proud? No again. More like trying on yet another image or personna to keep 'em guessing. Never show too much, like the card shark at the poker table. More like a chameleon...