Lightening struck.
Thunder boomed.
Thalia scanned a wall of grey in search of a blue window.
“Looks like the paddleboard is staying in its backpack again today.” The Muse of Wit’s shoulders slouched. “Chemo infusion… too windy… storms. We haven’t been on the water in over a week.”
The Muse of Determination penciled dates into tiny little boxes that she’d marked off with a twelve-inch ruler. “If we start our next book today, we might be finished by the time Typist’s radiation treatments wrap-up — before Thanksgiving!” Nia’s cheeks pinked.
Cal and Tal shared a glance that read — Hold-on-to-your-hats!
“And?” Calliope’s voice lilted and held a two-count note.
“Today we’ll attempt to sketch Henrietta jumping. If it weren’t for Henny’s head colliding with Typist’s chest, we might still be ignorant of the invader.” Nia opened Drawist’s box of pencils and charcoal. “Sketch and scan. Come on now.”
Words from Drawist:
Have I mentioned I’m watching Bridgerton? In last night’s episode this line from the Queen caught my attention:
The challenge of the crown is that it is tangible. It is a physical reminder of the position. That’s why Lady Whistledown circulates her pamphlets instead of trading in whispered rumor, a whisper is relevant for only as long as it is spoken, but the paper represents more… It’s physical form grants permanence.
The book I’m imagining will be available in print — black and white — a blend of pictures and prose.
In my Goldilocks-vision, the size, temperature, and softness will be just right.
And just as water fills a hole because of gravity, existence will rush in to fill us and overwhelm us if we don’t meet the outer world with an inner life.
~Mark Nepo, The Book of Soul
T-shirt: “My wife said if I bought her one more stupid gift she would burn it. So I bought her a candle.” 😁
I just finished a book where the author admitted, in the afterword, that she had to break it into two parts. The first book was so good that I went onto Amazon the next day to order book 2.
That turned out to be books 2 & 3. Hmmm.
BUT! We (meaning Deb, basically) had signed up for Kindle Unlimited last month (after I reviewed Deb's Kindle spending for 22Q1 & 22Q2 and found that yes, we'd save money subscribing to her ebook habit) so I could actually get the books for free... I just would have to read them on my iPad, is all...
I thought about it.
$26 later, the books (real, hold-in-my-hand books) will be here Thursday.
Real books rock. I look forward to holding your next one, Gail.
Methinks Goldilocks has rightly sized up this upcoming work to the letter! How could it be anything less?!
I pondered Nia with her 12-inch ruler and determining the end of radiation treatments relative to when the book needs to be a wrap. Is she so old school (ancient soul) that using an iPhone and quickly flipping months in the calendar app would feel like cheating?🤔
Knowing Tal, it’s easy to imagine her cabin fever. Twirling in the Study has to be very limiting! I hope working on the form for Henny’s leaping uses some of her pent up energy.
Looking forward to well executed leaps!