You’re HUGE! Your story would be great for many people ❤️

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Thank you Marijke! Pressfield's War of Art reminded me that when we operate from our soul, there are helping hands and hearts all around us -- visible and invisible. 💜

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Amen to harnessing the beauty that comes from chaos ... but not too soon, right? No one knows better than you that these things take time, sometimes lots and lots and lots of time. Take every hour (day, week, month) you need. For what you're moving through, you've earned it and deserve it. Watching you pay attention to what you yourself need (including time) and then watching you give this to yourself--this, too, is something (big) that will be of use to others, including me. Blessings to you every step of the way, Gail--it's been a week for sure.

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I continue to be amazed at how people and ideas appear as I need them. I've observed that if I stay open, make myself available, and continue to show up, 'subtle forces guide me aright'. (Thoreau, I think.)

Today somebody shared that beauty is the result of top down and bottom up pressure -- the creative tension of contradiction? I'm feeling the chaos of opposing forces: big/small, ego/soul, and so many more that escape me at the moment. 😂

The question becomes: Can I (we) harness that energy instead of allowing frustration to overtake me (us)?

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You know what makes for a good Friday? Hanging out with emotionally smart, kind, and creative people. Not unlike tumbling down the rabbit hole like Alice. Without the hallucinagens. From my side bar emails with Gail, as well as here on 3mm, I've come to see her sense of humor, genuineness, kindness, and smarts. Did I forget courage? I'll compare the process Gail has set about to laying down bottles of a deep burgundy, complex cabernet to age toward perfection! How long does a great cabernet take? A lot of science, but tastings tend to play an important role. Like others (I'm speculating but with a degree of confidence) I eagerly await the tastings. The vintner holds all the cards. Swirl before tasting! Oh, that's Tal's specialty...

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Hmmm... tastings. Considering how I might work that.

Just this morning in a group Zoom, one friend offered a suggestion to another writer -- an idea I'd likely not have come up with on my own. The idea involved transferring a podcast style to writing releases. Fascinating!

Stay open and what you need flows to you!!!

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I realize that was a stretch for an analogy re “tasting.” And you, the writer, may be inclined toward an editor’s tastings to put things in final shape. It seems you shared that inclination not long ago. My sense is that you’ll take the right steps in just the right time.

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I like your trust in me. 😊 I too am trusting — the process.

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Sign: “It’s wine o’clock — and I’m late” 😁

Regardless, it's Friday, and while that's more of a symbolic thing for some of us retired folk, it's still a thing. Contemplation is good. ䷓ <== (I typed "contemplation" into my Mac's character viewer [because it also does emojis] and it came up with "the hexagram for contemplation" two solid lines over four dashed lines... okay fine)

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Jack! My dad often calls me while he's enjoying wine o' clock. 😂 I should make him a sign. He'd love it!

䷓ I found it! How cool is that!

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We did a special sign for some friends of ours a few years back to go with their rental cabin — it's scary-easy to find a site that will make any sign as simple or as fancy as you like!

I think (I'm guessing) that the contemplation hexagram is from the I Ching? If only there was some place to look that up? <cough> [hold on a sec...] Got it! "Wind & Wood over Earth" (two solid and a broken over three broken lines)

"Be like a tower with a wide and long view

where you can see and be seen from a distance.

Remain centered while viewing the broader picture.

You will become wise and learn the mysteries of life."

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Oh! That is awesome. Thanks for finding and sharing it here Jack!

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