Calliope lights the candles.
Urania squeezes her right shoulder.
Thalia smooths a deep crease under her right eye with her ring fingers.
“Sorry…” LoveLetterist sighs. “It’s cold… and dark… and… it’s near impossible to correct habits when we’re sleeping.”
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it fate.
~Carl Jung
A note from LoveLetterist:
For some time now, the muses have been hunting down our disagreeable habits... so that we can replace them with better ones.
We're aware that curling up like a roly-poly bug on our right side at night is delivering a sore shoulder and creased skin.
We saw an Instagram ad where a woman put a huge hair clip on each side of her head so that she wouldn't flip from her back to her side at night. 😂
For now... We're gonna stick with stretching the shoulder and massaging our face, even though an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 🤷🏻♀️
Tiger, Tiger, burning bright!
‘Neath the candles of the night...
Ben Rector’s “Ordinary Magic” struck just the right tone.
I have to ask if there was an overnight power outage? “It’s cold... it’s dark...” As your surroundings prepare to take on their coat of white, consequences for power loss become dire. Were that to happen during a “Polar Express” occurrence, advise the dear Muses to gather some thick blankets and, while lying on top of a soft floor covering, spoon each other and cover up with the blankets. Preferably on their left sides. 😊
While Jung was considered one of the greatest psychoanalysts of his time, he also delved into the darker realm. His focus on our “dark shadow” advised that to be “whole” the shadow must be accepted and integrated into our good parts. The quote you provided in today’s LoveLetter may or may not refer to our dark shadow. I wonder what he would think of meditation as a path to discover our unconscious characteristics?
Thanks LoveLetterist, as always, for nudging my neurons into a full waking state. 🪄🧑💼