In the final days of 2021, Typist fancied some writer’s suggestion to choose three guiding principles to carry into 2022. She chose: LIVE, ASK, and COLLABORATE
A c-diagnosis on February 11 gave new meaning to how she’d waltz with the words…
“LIIIIIIIVVVVVVVV is ahhhhhbbb-ve-ussss!” Thalia’s recovery from Covid allowed for some light jumping-jacks. “She took a lickin’ and is still kickin’ — like that watch.”
“And ASK…” Calliope grinned at the memory, “… Remember how when Typist messed up the appointment time of her pre-surgical Covid test… instead of accepting that she’d have to cancel her weekend plans… she called her Nurse Navigator… Angel Gretchen… and ASKED for help? Everything worked out, didn’t it? Pre-2022 Typist might not have asked.”
Nią drummed her fingers on studio’s table. “COLLABORATE. Boy did she collaborate — with her caregivers, friends and family, books and articles, movies and video clips — AND, this 3mm brood who has fledged with us through all our flaps. Thank you.”
And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
May 2023 contain enough challenges to keep our lives interesting and wings flapping.
Yea!!!! Live, ask, collaborate, and hippo drawings. Wonderful New Years Eve. For 12/31, I've spent the night on Rose Bowl Parade route (twice). I've partied in a foreign country. Tonight, when my daughter throws her party downstairs and I chill upstairs might be one of the most fulfilling. GIVE, LEARN, ACCEPT.
From writist’s, drawist’s, creativist’s recent focus on very large creatures, my instinct senses great expectations for her 2023! And would that it be so. 😊
For one and all may the spirit of hopeful expectations prevail as the days unfold. 🥳🎉🎊