“There are sooooo many tool-zzz —” Thalia rinses the super highway out of her brushes, “to gehhht us around theeeez days.”
Nia appreciates their trusty friends — truck, computer, and WIFI. “To the marsh and beyond!”
“Did you just…” Calliope scratches her temple, “nick from Buzz Lightyear?”
Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.
~Lovelle Drachman
(She’s a bit of a mystery. Quoted on Goodreads… but we can’t find her book?)
Live your life by a compass not a clock.
~Stephen Covey
A note from LoveLetterist:
My dad often says, "Remember... The road runs both ways."
There is a lot in that phrase!
It doesn't only apply to physical travel?
Does it serve as a metaphor... for connectication?
It’s The Beatles!! Proclaimed Ed Sullivan. A very cool piece of art today LoveLetterist! A Super Highway indeed! Your link with The Jackson Five video prompted me to think, “What might have been.” Sometimes the Super Highway chooses us. And then consumes us.
Henry David Thoreau advised that if we have more belongings than we can carry on our backs, we have too much stuff and advised we shed some of the load. Freakin’ trucks are so heavy! Without the truck “beyond” is more like “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.” Perhaps a mini-Iditarod would add authenticity. Henny likely would need help. I’m thinking “not a Muse.” 🤔
The two writers you included today really provided ending punctuation for today’s post. All around “Yay.” 😊