Thalia smiled at the dinosaurs and read from a January 2022 love letter. “In our first 3mm dispatch, I woooo-hooo-hooooooped with joy while Calliope nibbled a fingernail. Nia — You said that when we lead with love — Every little thing is gonna be alright.”
“We did and it is — despite a year filled with unexpected trials.”
“Typist toughened…” Calliope straightened her spine. “But… Let us not forget her soft side… Always armored is a threat to amoré.”
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.
~ Albert Einstein
Check out Marijke’s Message in a Drawing!
Thank you friend for reminding me that it’s important to be soft and strong.
A good love letter reminder, Gail.
And thanks for the shout out. And don’t forget: the Pub is always open.
George Carlin: “How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?” 😁
Some good things just take a little longer, is all.
Any kind of good thing. Or good year. 😊
(And because I know *somebody* will say it: yes, a Goodyear can take a little longer, especially when it’s a blimp. 😛)