A note from LoveLetterist:

I am geometrically challenged at the best of times.

Today's image is what happens when to keep my commitment to show-up, the work is rushed.

A good reminder

that elements

are transformed

by fire and pressure?

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At a minimum, today a ruby!

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I’ll take it!

A cardinal gem!

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I love it! What a cute little cabin...thank you Gail for showing up.

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The message about being under pressure is loud and clear. I'll budget my sending of fascinating rabbit hole discoveries! Once a week? One woman's junk is another man's treasure. Tal's comment about not being architects frames this well. I remember wearing out Pink Pearls while learning about 3-D perspective engineering graphics. Vanishing point; orthographic projection. Smudge city!

Rock and roll Jay and Gail!

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Aye! There’s the rub.

We never know for certain what discoveries will be useful!

Steady progress with my collaboration with Jay! 👍🏻

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There’s the rub. 🤭🤣

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You know I went to look it up?

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Why would you do a thing like that?! 🤭

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