Mar 22, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Admiral Grace Hopper: “A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.” 🤔

You’d think an ex-Navy guy would have more “port” quotes available, but nooooo...

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I do love the quote you shared Jack! Thank you.

I shared delightful conversation with the kid today about my belief that if one follows their passion and does the work (that doesn’t really feel like work) the needed resources show up at just the right time.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

“if one follows their passion and does the work (that doesn’t really feel like work) the needed resources show up at just the right time.”

I’ve been having a lot of awesome and inspiring conversations over the past two weeks around the idea that maybe it’s easier to be(come) passionate about what we are good at than trying to become good at something we believe to be a passion.

I’m temporarily placing my bet on “follow your skill that others value.”

What do you think Gail:

Are you more likely to become passionate about something because you see your good enough at it that others are inspired by it and value it?

Or are you more likely to become good at something of value because your passionate about it and practice?

Only rule -- your answer cannot be “yes and” 😀

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Author

Rule? 😂

Yes, and…

I can only respond/speak from my life experience.

Ten years ago, if somebody told me I’d be a writer, artist, and connecticator, I wouldn’t have been able to see it. I did not believe I was creative.

I “knew” I was “skilled” at following directions and executing other people’s plans. I was an excellent bureaucrat. 😊 I learned how to be an adequate wrangler of six year olds. I was an entrepreneur who stumbled when it came to selling my product, but the experience taught me I was passionate about wanting to connect and share ideas — to grow myself and perhaps through synchronicity — whoever I connected with grew, too.

I don’t think I started out as a good writer… in fact my grammar skills were truly lacking! I’m still not sure if I am a “good” writer although the comments I receive encourage me to keep going. After 7 years of daily blogging with a very limited audience… well let’s just say I’m not in it for the “likes” or money.

My art is… well… very much a work in progress. I don’t draw or paint to be good. I do it because the process and experimentation bring me to a state of flow and joy.

Interaction with my readers is definitely “secret sauce” and that leads me to say…

“I am more likely to become passionate about something because... you see you're good enough at it that others are inspired by it and value it.”


I continue to take the action because I love it.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

This is an amazing reply Gail! Much appreciated!

I struggle a bit with this topic -- which I correlate mostly with “advice for those starting out.”

But I’ve also seen it in my journey over the past six months in my situation. Shows up as start a business, join a business, or follow an interest/passion/itch.

Although it worked out for you over the past seven years, could you have followed that when you were 16, 18, 25?

I also especially love how you describe not knowing what you’re skilled at. Very true for me too. But I’m also that way for passions.

Do you believe your passion radar is more accurate than your skill radar?

What if when advising ourselves or others, we had to include likelihood of delivering their desired result?

I know I’d likely be happier if my son chose a path that resulted in him following what he loves. But honestly I’m not sure he would be.

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I snapped a phot of a great meme yesterday. "Pass the truth to the next generation... Teach them early what we learn late."

I'm a little sketchy on the word "truth" as all of our individual experiences lead us to different models and truths, but I do believe there are certain universal principles of alignment that apply to all of us with variations.

Likely I would not have had the means and/or confidence to follow my itch at 16, 18, or 25. I think that's grand because during those years I was accumulating experiences that led me to where I am today. 50ish years of stories to draw from!

Passion vs. Skill radar -- I don't look at life that way. Instead I listen and observe with keen awareness to what is showing up in my life. I ask every challenge what it is here to teach me. Synchronicity in combination with intuition generally keep me on a path of growth.

You know this about me... I am experience -- not results -- oriented. It's not that results/goals are not important or valuable, more that I believe outcomes ultimately come down to a higher power. I am an instrument, not the musician.

As for parenting... My recent view is to let go and empower my son to make and be responsible for his own decisions. Inspired in part by:


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Mar 25, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Love the reply Gail and the areas you clarified.

Also love the poem!

As I suspected there’s a lot of contradiction when I try to process!

On one hand I believe there is a sort of ethical approach where it is best to help someone avoid falling into a pit than simply to extend a helping hand if they fall into it.

On the other, at some point it does cross into this power zone that makes me very uncomfortable.

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Jack, I’m certain one mission of the 3MM community is to throw breadcrumbs to its members. I couldn’t resist your toss of Admiral Grace Harper. I enjoyed learning about another woman pioneer. Programmer of the Harvard Mark I computer!! Forerunner of HAL 9000... 😬

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Thanks for inspiring me to follow the Grace Hopper breadcrumb Gary! Wowza!

A friend once said, “So many unsung heroes.” Yet, perhaps in Nice News(?) I read about someone dedicating their time and effort toward recognizing pioneering women on Wikipedia. I’ve forgotten how many entries the person has made.

I am reading Wake Up With Purpose by Sister Jean who at age 103 is still the active chaplain for the Loyola Basketball team!

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Knowing my “breadcrumb habit,” I searched Sister Jean briefly. One factoid that made me smile was a response to a query, “What is her net worth?”

First, measuring a person’s worth from a sneak peek into their piggy bank is so off base. The answer was $579 million, with a footnote qualifying that as an estimate derived from what a social media influencer might have received! I am guessing she has one or more social media profiles and a likely grand following. But...

Another questioner asked, “Who is her husband?” 🤷🏽

If you don’t mind please offer a comment on her book. 😁

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Let me begin with... my awareness of Sister Jean and her book was delivered by a Saturday or Sunday edition of NICE NEWS! That's also where I learned about the film Calendar Girls and Pink's new-ish song about her dad -- When I Get There. Sorry, I cannot embed links here in comments, but am well aware you will investigate if so inclined. 😉

Wake Up With Purpose!

I'm only at page 79 of 215 pages. The writing is clear, concise, and linear -- written as a memoir beginning in Sister Jean's childhood. She has lived a life of faith, character, and constant growth/evolution. I wrote down a quote yesterday from page 54... Sister Jean tells the story of early days in a new school with a young staff, including her.

"Even though we were teachers, we were students as well, which is just how we liked it."

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Thanks for all of that. Confession: the sometimes jaded part of Gary reads “NICE NEWS” and reflexively sighs, “Yeah, right.” This morning as I started to read NYT, a sensible part of me (they’re there, really) said, “Yeah, right,” and changed the channel. As with our bodies, “you are what you eat,” our mind and essence is “you are what you read.”

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Grateful for a discerning palette.

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Well, if we’re tossing breadcrumbs and lifting 3mm readers up, then you should know that your post revealed this Spangler!

When I searched your Typist message above, my search revealed the info below... #Commitment

#Sunspots Who knew? 🤷🏻‍♂️


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Thank you for the article link Bobby! Another hidden figure. 👀

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Great find Bobby! Commitment indeed. So a search beginning with “sunspot” seems like it would naturally connect with this amazing, committed, and dedicated recorder of sunspots. 50 years of determined effort! Thanks. 🙏🏽

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My EXACT search:

“The best servant does her work unseen. But occasionally her sunspots erupt into the digital universe. 😁”

Without the quotation marks. 😊

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That’s terrific. Who could illustrate that notion better than this humble, Japanese woman?! Almost magical re the search result (or even that a result resulted?).

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I know another very humble woman who regularly illustrates all kinds of notions... 😉

Between her and her three protégés, they are turning the world upside down...

Just today, as a matter, fact, they included a link to a place where you can find nice news!


Now, if that doesn’t fly in the face of normal, I don’t know what does!

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Well done, purveyor of hope, believer in the power of love, and example of acting on one’s believing!

“Well done what??” you might wonder. Oh, seems like everything. 🤷🏽 From the tidy package “Owwwwch! Still a little sore.” Explaining a paragraph with five words and some punctuation. But also starting with a screen shot of a doctor remarking on developments in his treatment of cancer patients. Then the casual reference to immunotherapy for not-so-nice-news! With a little Jeff Bezos for his view of what you already know.

I would guess Henny already got her morning tromp before you rolled up your sleeves with a piping hot cup of java on your table in the studio!? All the while fielding the thoughts and deeds of your Muses.

All in a day’s love lettering...

The best servant does her work unseen. But occasionally her sunspots erupt into the digital universe. 😁

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😊 Thank you for you appreciation. As I suspect you are aware — what might seem like labor to some is pure joy to me.

Tires rolling north today. The kid and I get to enjoy lunch with my dad and Jean.

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Safe travels!

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“The best servant does her work unseen. But occasionally her sunspots erupt into the digital universe. 😁” ~Spangler



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So happy that your life is getting back to normal. I can only imagine what you went through with each step. Step forward and embrace your life with wisdom, for you have conquered the mighty C.

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I’m not so sure what “normal” is anymore.

In many ways I am astounded by how C cracked me open… made me more open, flexible, and accepting.

I am grateful for the experience(s) and would give them back.

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