“I’m so glad Typist’s friend Margaret recommended that book about the rhinoceros… Even though we read it more than a year ago, the stories are gifts that keep giving.” Thalia twirled.
“Are you thinking about the little girl who had a stomach ache?” Cal asked. “The mom said it was because the girl ate too much ice cream. The dad said maybe she didn’t eat enough ice cream. The whole family laughed and felt freedom in not having to know why the the child’s tummy was upset. It freed them to accept what was.”
“And this relates to Typist… how?” Nia encouraged.
“Well… It seems there are thoughts out there,” Calliope made air quotes, “that Typist, or anyone who gets sick, somehow did something to bring the sickness upon themself. Their energy is out of balance, they worry too much — not enough yoga, they eat too many cupcakes…”
Thalia cut Calliope off with a snort. “Eating too many cupcakes — ridiculous!”
Cal continued. “You get the idea. And it is true that there are known toxins people ingest… and risky behaviors they engage in that might or might not lead to disease. But, is it helpful to perseverate in guilty thoughts?”
“Typist doesn’t think so,” Thalia replied. “And she loved her oncologist’s answer when she asked if he could tell her what is causing cancer cells to grow inside of her.”
Urania nodded her approval. “Dumb luck.”
A word from our Typist…
We have a plan in place.
Chemotherapy begins March third. There will be weekly infusions for 12 weeks followed by different chemo drugs administered every three weeks — four infusions, followed by surgery.
The oncologist is kind, open, and funny.
On the blank line after Goals of Therapy he wrote: cure
Cancer has been with me since about the age of nine when my mom was diagnosed. Now I get to experience it for myself… and then let it go.
I am open to answering questions in comments.
That said… being a patient is time consuming.
I will keep up as best I can.
You do what you have to do, but remember that you are thought about everyday and that your writings are always looked forward too.
You know me, Gail. Why write three words when a paragraph will do? And, yes, I had already started cooking up my very best saga in response to this 3MM post.
I was preparing breakfast in the middle of reading/thinking and had a da Vinci moment. Well, a short one. He advised walking away from our work so that when we returned we might see it in a new light.
And I did. After sitting down with my cinnamon roll, I knew you had already found a way to process and share your journey. With touches of humor in your Muses’ remarks, as well as your own. By being willing to share the details central to this process and offer timelines of what happens when. Going so far as to invite readers’ questions.
That leaves me with only one request or suggestion: on the days for infusions, visualize your going and returning as if on a luxury passenger train car, accompanied by fellow creatives and yogats (or is that yoginis?), readers, and of course the Muses. Be sure the wait staff are well stocked with cupcakes, scones, and delightful teas and rich Turkish coffee!
Thanks for your guidance, today and always.