The very shift to break free from Groundhog Day! Go outdoors. Walk Henny. Be in Nature. Search for fractals! Pine trees? Oops! Enjoy your surroundings without critique... Drink in beauty with your senses - sights, smells, sounds.

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I’m reminded of AAA… awareness, acceptance, action. 😃

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T-shirt: “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth” 😁

I always thought of Groundhog Day as a guy who kept living the worst day of his life over and over... until he ended up making it his best day.

Also, I should warn you (as Gary sorta did) that once you learn to look for fractals, they are EVERYWHERE.

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I often remind myself… especially when I feel judgement creeping into my thoughts… that it is not my job to determine the worth of another. There is a higher power, and I’m not it. 😃 Oh… it’s so tempting though.

I like how you said, “… making it his best day.” 😃

Fractals add a depth of understanding to this thing called life. 🐚❄️🌲🌳

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