The cardinal on birchbark certainly caught my eye. My eye however, being my eye, struggled to resolve the birchbark-looking part. Skillful shading lent itself to a curved look. The stippling stumped me. “Dot, dot, dash, dash, dot.” The Morse Code of love letters?
Earthworm castings are touted as being beneficial to growing healthy plants. Just as some rent out their goats to clear brushy areas, do earthworm herders rent squads of worms? The daily rate per worm? What if the cardinal eats some?
On James Joyce’s words. Two days ago I was feeding our nesting pair of Canada Geese, scrunched down mostly on my right thigh while offering bits of my homemade bread. Finished, as I attempted to rise (with right leg now asleep), I fell in the direction of the birds. Much wing flapping ensued! Indeed I do stumble along. 🙂
Metaphorically I took your painting plus plant to suggest, “If it isn’t quite Spring outside, bring some into the studio.” ☑️
Gary! That is an actual piece of birchbark from a neighbor's tree. Retrieved from the roadside, I stuffed it in my pocket while walking this morning. Mother Nature's morse code, not mine. I painted on what the tree discarded.
Our driveway blacktop is dotted with earthworms. The returned robins are feasting.
Complete with icy mix? In the very old days of AM radio, I heard it said, “If you don’t like the static, fine tune it. Still too much static? Change the station.”
This idea of passively choosing jumped out at me as I’ve just been reading a business book trying to make the same point but I believe with a more workable option.
Can’t we relieve ourselves a bit and say some things we just accept, don’t care strongly enough to change and although we may not like it, we aren’t choosing.
Or if you must call indecision a choice, maybe it’s the choice to “live with it.”
I'm not even sure if I'd call it indecision. Sometimes we are unprepared, or lacking skill or knowledge or awareness to decide. I do believe there are situations in which patience makes space for "right action" to appear.
Sometimes we might not like A, and we don't like B either... so we wait to see if C, D, E, or F comes along? We bide our time with A?
For me, there are times when I need a bit of jostle because my lack of decision affects others perhaps more than I may realize.
But there’s also plenty of times when calling something a “choice” violates the spirit of the message for me or growth or even hides the “problem” itself.
Curious question: does Henny eat earthworms? A friend caught her dog checking out her patio after each day of rain; each time, all the scattered worms vanished. She decided that, well, it's extra protein...
She hasn't eaten an earthworm in years... that I'm aware of. She might have as a puppy?
She does like to find other tasty treats on occasion.
Today I let her run free in a field at the marsh -- no fence -- and she listened -- didn't run away -- and Greg bought her a new stuffed panda bear in celebration!
The cardinal on birchbark certainly caught my eye. My eye however, being my eye, struggled to resolve the birchbark-looking part. Skillful shading lent itself to a curved look. The stippling stumped me. “Dot, dot, dash, dash, dot.” The Morse Code of love letters?
Earthworm castings are touted as being beneficial to growing healthy plants. Just as some rent out their goats to clear brushy areas, do earthworm herders rent squads of worms? The daily rate per worm? What if the cardinal eats some?
On James Joyce’s words. Two days ago I was feeding our nesting pair of Canada Geese, scrunched down mostly on my right thigh while offering bits of my homemade bread. Finished, as I attempted to rise (with right leg now asleep), I fell in the direction of the birds. Much wing flapping ensued! Indeed I do stumble along. 🙂
Metaphorically I took your painting plus plant to suggest, “If it isn’t quite Spring outside, bring some into the studio.” ☑️
Gary! That is an actual piece of birchbark from a neighbor's tree. Retrieved from the roadside, I stuffed it in my pocket while walking this morning. Mother Nature's morse code, not mine. I painted on what the tree discarded.
Our driveway blacktop is dotted with earthworms. The returned robins are feasting.
It IS spring outside!
Complete with icy mix? In the very old days of AM radio, I heard it said, “If you don’t like the static, fine tune it. Still too much static? Change the station.”
Came across a meme the other day that’s riding me like a champion rodeo man.
“What you are not changing, you are choosing.”
This idea of passively choosing jumped out at me as I’ve just been reading a business book trying to make the same point but I believe with a more workable option.
Can’t we relieve ourselves a bit and say some things we just accept, don’t care strongly enough to change and although we may not like it, we aren’t choosing.
Or if you must call indecision a choice, maybe it’s the choice to “live with it.”
I'm not even sure if I'd call it indecision. Sometimes we are unprepared, or lacking skill or knowledge or awareness to decide. I do believe there are situations in which patience makes space for "right action" to appear.
Sometimes we might not like A, and we don't like B either... so we wait to see if C, D, E, or F comes along? We bide our time with A?
Great explanation!
For me, there are times when I need a bit of jostle because my lack of decision affects others perhaps more than I may realize.
But there’s also plenty of times when calling something a “choice” violates the spirit of the message for me or growth or even hides the “problem” itself.
Curious question: does Henny eat earthworms? A friend caught her dog checking out her patio after each day of rain; each time, all the scattered worms vanished. She decided that, well, it's extra protein...
She hasn't eaten an earthworm in years... that I'm aware of. She might have as a puppy?
She does like to find other tasty treats on occasion.
Today I let her run free in a field at the marsh -- no fence -- and she listened -- didn't run away -- and Greg bought her a new stuffed panda bear in celebration!