Praying you were able to get that treatment. Going every week and getting told to go home and try the next week is so disheartening. Keep writing as much and as often as you can. It can help get you through the rough times.
How wonderful, Bobby! This kind of music is what I play while I work in my office. I currently am listening to "Merced River From Waterfall" Just a little troubled that it's labeled "White Noise for Sleep and Study." Noise!! A direct contradiction of John Muir's remarks Gail provided recently about Nature being healing and restorative and a necessary retreat from civilization's assault on our being." (Sorry; fast and loose with my paraphrasing) So, yes, to welcome in relief from Anxiety, Stress & Toxins seems an intuitive course of action.
What a cool image! Where did you find a beanie with a desk lamp growing out of the top?🙃 I specialize in red lights myself. And follow Mark Twain’s advice: “When mad, count ten. When really mad, swear!” Just the same the report of this day so far is heartening.
Is the flow on this day to include blood work, assay of same, then infusion? If so the Muses will be champing at the bit for some tasty treat. Needed energy for the trip back.
May the traffic flow and the test results all be smooth as silk.
As much as I think you would like the process to flow smoothly, you made it clear that rushing any steps would be a hard sell to your care team. In similar situations I can easily become impatient. When I learned that full recovery from my back surgery last November would be a one year process, I could not believe what I had just heard! So I took myself aside for a pep talk and committed to following my neurosurgeon’s instructions to the letter. Not doing so could have been catastrophic. Four and a half months have already sped by. Without the benefit of impatience!🤔
I recall you mentioning that in this current diminished immune capacity state, the care team mentioned ways (meds) to help boost you back up. Was that mentioned today? Or was that some of my inventive recall? 🙃
I’d have to say this blathering was an inefficient way to say, “You go girl!!”
And your entire 3MM team will channel all Manet (autocorrect has a sense of humor. I was trying to write “manner” but the AI wizardry knew I was speaking with a primo paintist!) manner of healing thoughts and prayers. Visualizing the levels of your immune system rising like the waters of the Bay of Fundy at full tide. Suggesting good reads. Sending links to inspiring movies. Or short clips of dogs gone bad!😂
Hug Henrietta! Consider letting her be your sounding board if something has pushed you close to Mark Twain’s “really mad” response. Or just help Karen with her Lobster plan. Henny’s reactions will let you know if you’ve nailed it. 😁
Check around for a badly worn copy of Kids Say The Darndest Things, Art Linkletter. From the wear on the pages you will know how delightful it was for prior readers/laughers. And it will be contagious! Which just brought to mind Laughter Is The Best Medicine. Listen to what appeared when I searched: Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Google attributes that to HealthGuide and a section called well-being and happiness. And you know that isn’t me trying to be clever. Quantum energy? I got goosebumps when that popped up.
You so funny! Selfie lessons. As we lack eyes in the back of our heads, such surprise elements mysteriously find their way into our compositions.
Then there are photographers like Ansel Adams who managed to avoid such shots. No moose foisting it’s antlers into the camera’s field of view. No bears doing hand springs?
No critique on my part was intended by my remarks. Not perfect restraint of tongue and keyboard. 😔 I’d probably comment similarly if I saw a sunflower bearing a parasol!
Praying you were able to get that treatment. Going every week and getting told to go home and try the next week is so disheartening. Keep writing as much and as often as you can. It can help get you through the rough times.
Disheartening was the word today Margaret. I'll let the muses chew on that in tomorrow's letter.
Oh no!! So many praying for you too. All we can do is hope and pray next week is better. Just try not to give up. Sending you hugs.
Margaret- You are a wonderful supportive soul and I am #Grateful for YOU! 🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼
Jumping on the Gary Spangler Bandwagon! 👇🏼 CURE! 🎈
Breathe in breathe out Gail. Wishing you all the best today and this holiday weekend. I'm visualizing "meaty" blood!
Thank you Kathy! Meaty was not meant to be. More on that tomorrow.
HaHa! 🤔🧐
Sign: “I do yoga. I burn candles. I drink green tea. AND I STILL WANT TO SMACK SOMEBODY!” 😁
Congrats on doing a whole lot better than whoever made that sign!
(I *do* like the head covering! Just saying, one bald person to another. 😉)
Ha! The only person to smack would be Typist for not getting out of the door 10 minutes earlier. 🤔
🙏🙏🙏 hoping and praying that today is gentle. Xoxo
Oh! So nice.♥️ Thank you..
How wonderful, Bobby! This kind of music is what I play while I work in my office. I currently am listening to "Merced River From Waterfall" Just a little troubled that it's labeled "White Noise for Sleep and Study." Noise!! A direct contradiction of John Muir's remarks Gail provided recently about Nature being healing and restorative and a necessary retreat from civilization's assault on our being." (Sorry; fast and loose with my paraphrasing) So, yes, to welcome in relief from Anxiety, Stress & Toxins seems an intuitive course of action.
Gary! You rock! 🪨😉
What a cool image! Where did you find a beanie with a desk lamp growing out of the top?🙃 I specialize in red lights myself. And follow Mark Twain’s advice: “When mad, count ten. When really mad, swear!” Just the same the report of this day so far is heartening.
Is the flow on this day to include blood work, assay of same, then infusion? If so the Muses will be champing at the bit for some tasty treat. Needed energy for the trip back.
May the traffic flow and the test results all be smooth as silk.
I could use some selfie lessons! 😄
Blood work, yes. Infusion was a no go. Remembering that the whole body must be considered in the treatment. My bone marrow needs more recovery time.
As much as I think you would like the process to flow smoothly, you made it clear that rushing any steps would be a hard sell to your care team. In similar situations I can easily become impatient. When I learned that full recovery from my back surgery last November would be a one year process, I could not believe what I had just heard! So I took myself aside for a pep talk and committed to following my neurosurgeon’s instructions to the letter. Not doing so could have been catastrophic. Four and a half months have already sped by. Without the benefit of impatience!🤔
I recall you mentioning that in this current diminished immune capacity state, the care team mentioned ways (meds) to help boost you back up. Was that mentioned today? Or was that some of my inventive recall? 🙃
I’d have to say this blathering was an inefficient way to say, “You go girl!!”
And your entire 3MM team will channel all Manet (autocorrect has a sense of humor. I was trying to write “manner” but the AI wizardry knew I was speaking with a primo paintist!) manner of healing thoughts and prayers. Visualizing the levels of your immune system rising like the waters of the Bay of Fundy at full tide. Suggesting good reads. Sending links to inspiring movies. Or short clips of dogs gone bad!😂
Hug Henrietta! Consider letting her be your sounding board if something has pushed you close to Mark Twain’s “really mad” response. Or just help Karen with her Lobster plan. Henny’s reactions will let you know if you’ve nailed it. 😁
Check around for a badly worn copy of Kids Say The Darndest Things, Art Linkletter. From the wear on the pages you will know how delightful it was for prior readers/laughers. And it will be contagious! Which just brought to mind Laughter Is The Best Medicine. Listen to what appeared when I searched: Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Google attributes that to HealthGuide and a section called well-being and happiness. And you know that isn’t me trying to be clever. Quantum energy? I got goosebumps when that popped up.
I’ll explain in todays letter.
The only road forward I can see is surrender and faith.
“I’d have to say this blathering was an inefficient way to say, “You go girl!!””
I think I got the “meaty” of it! 😉
You so funny! Selfie lessons. As we lack eyes in the back of our heads, such surprise elements mysteriously find their way into our compositions.
Then there are photographers like Ansel Adams who managed to avoid such shots. No moose foisting it’s antlers into the camera’s field of view. No bears doing hand springs?
No critique on my part was intended by my remarks. Not perfect restraint of tongue and keyboard. 😔 I’d probably comment similarly if I saw a sunflower bearing a parasol!