“Mohr-ning —” Tal savors a tinge of salmon creeping over the trees, “is my fav-o-right time of day!”
“Ditto.” Nią takes a sip from their mug.
“Because it’s when…,” Calliope rinses the brushes, “… we catch… creative updrafts… and follow the song… that is ours alone.”
I want to live my life in such a way that when I get out of bed in the morning, the devil says, “aw shit, (s)he’s up!
~Steve Mariboli
I found this article in my inbox AFTER publishing today’s LoveLetter.😍
A note from LoveLetterist:
Today's conversation is not intended to advocate being a morning person.
Instead... It's a recognition that I AM a morning person.
Morning is when I most readily attain a state of creative flow.
Last night at 8pm I tried to create a meme -- a visual with a quote.
I searched... and blinked at my cursor for many, many minutes.
There was 0 blood flow from the rock.
This morning... bing, bang ,boom!
I had a meme created in less than five minutes.
I am well aware we are "all kinds of kinds" on the pale blue dot.
I'm an advocate for you doing you.
And so I ask:
Do you have a favored time of day?
What do you prioritize at that time?