Light reflected on the cherry’s unblemished surface. Thalia popped it into her mouth and removed flesh from pit. “Not bad… considering.”
“Considering…” Nią puckered, “… one of our favorite summer treats tastes like cough medicine?”
“2022 might be the summer of under-appreciated cherries,” said Cal, “but it’s also the summer of much-appreciated pizza!”
Words from Typist:
I’d heard chemo ruins one’s taste for sweets — not a question for which I would have requested a front row seat, but… a front row seat I hold.
The great news is, I’m eating again! My first meal was a slice of cheesy, greasy, pepperoni pizza that tasted exactly like it should. Salt and fat never go out of style?
I’m taking much joy in watching our garden plants grow.
Recently planted basil sprouted in less than 5 days.
Pole beans are climbing.
Tomatoes are plumping…
… We won’t discuss the tender cucumber vines the deer have snacked upon…
I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.
~E.B. White
Salt and fat rule! Glad your appetite is improving and your garden is growing Gail.
Gail: your post today embodied all the skills of your creator’s tool kit. And to this reader maybe some added sparkle?! So very glad your feeling much better. I’ll hold off on shipping the dark fudge iced walnut brownies. For a day or so. I think I hear a Muse’s voice pleading from a corner of your study. 😉