”Oooooh-la-la!” Thalia crooned. “German apple cake!”
Calliope snagged an apple slice from the cutting board. “Mmmmmhmmm… One of my favorite fall treats.”
“Sweet.” Nia washed the knife and set it in the rack to dry.
Words from Typist:
One of our 3mm family sent me this beautiful article in July. I’ve kept it in my inbox waiting for a just-right time to share with everyone in a love letter. Today is the day! Murr Brewster’s I/Thou tale makes me feel warm all over.
Read it here.
Or, listen to me read it here.
What if falling is a disguised opportunity to lift each other up?
I don’t know which sounds better, the German apple cake or the fence builder story?!
My father in-law told me once that he saved a number of favorite books he’d read in his younger years. “Reading them now at my age is as if I’d never read them before,” he explained.
And... you may be wondering? The fence builder story sounds so familiar to me. And like my paw in-law, surely good to hear again for the first time! 🙃
p.s. I first listened to you telling the story, which I enjoyed in no small way. After my head scratching about maybe having heard it before, I clicked “read” and there was my answer. From Christian Science Monitor! I remembered the carpenter’s solid frame and proud stance. As I read, pardon my comparison, it was easy to imagine you had written the article! Patience. Generosity of spirit. Kind. I/Thou nature. Embracing the “Is.” Seeing the good in all things.
Thanks for brightening my day. Send German apple cake via Sandhill Crane!