A note from LoveLetterist:

I'm in a conversation over on LinkedIn about a video I posted yesterday.

In a nutshell, the theme is that every human contributes to the whole.

Sometimes we dream.

Sometimes we build.

Sometimes we bridge.

Sometimes we do all three together.

What I've come to learn is, we can't do it all by ourselves.


We are here to grow each other... to keep evolving.

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Thank you for this reminder. I tend to be a "do it yourself" to a fault. Last year certainly show a bright light on that! WOW! I was happy I chose to have a teachable spirit.

Thank you Gail.

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I also am a strong do-it-myself sort. Little red hens!

And yet l, as I’m aware from my artwork “nicks”, I am often standing on the shoulders of someone who came before me.

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Vonnegut’s “Nice, nice, very nice

So many people in the same device.”

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I’m working my thesis — for when I have opportunity to express myself to the inventor of this system. 🤣

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