A note from Loveletterist:

Creating Beta Video 4 was paaaaaane-fullll! It reminded me of my early early days of writing for the 100 Naked Words challenge. Back then, I refused to allow a lack of confidence, overthinking, and small-mindedness to keep me down. Showing up with tenacity and a willingness to learn eventually led to a daily blog and 4 books. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Video Beta Day 4: https://us02web.zoom.us/clips/share/A2F3MSDOlwMcecPYynb36tjiQgQ1eol9aZhT115fVb6DX3VnYQ

Keep going!

Yes... In a beginning, it might suck.

The question is -- What are you going to do about it?

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LOVE the video… I needed to hear these words today ❤️

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Thanks Julie!

I'm so glad you found the video useful. It's so draining when I get stuck in a thought loop. If the video gave a nudge -- I'm delighted to have offered it. 😁

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