First a sincere question: the mass of orangish-red over the figure’s right shoulder? Tal’s ever-growing tresses? As for adjusting to the effects of the clock flop @ 2:00 am Sunday morning, your line quality in today’s drawing doesn’t suggest gobs of coffee being part of your strategy! Were I to attempt the drawing, my result would resemble the cartoon characters that get shocked during their antics. Once soft lines that next resemble shark teeth outlines.

Cal’s cashew diversion reminded me of a recent thought. Do folks/cooks sometimes pre-make potential Thanksgiving dishes to evaluate outcomes? “Will this satisfy my guests? Is the texture of this casserole pleasing?” And in this manner zero in on just the ones that pass the test?! Perhaps in that spirit, Beth brought home a pumpkin cheesecake from Trader Joe’s yesterday. 432 calories per serving! All of which reminds me of my grandmother’s remark, “The best exercise is pushing oneself away from the table!”

It isn’t that hard to remember a time when your drawings’ characters may have donned a coat devoid of a detailed lining. Much less the details of the belt and wrist (?) cinchers. I know they have a proper name. 🤔 I just don’t know it. 🙃 Just one more illustration of your approach: learn more by doing more! And so you did!!

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Did you think Tal was breathing fire? 😂

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Or that I was seeing the result of you jumping into a freshly raked pile of fallen leaves! The rest concealed by Tal’s torso?!

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“Beth brought home a pumpkin cheesecake from Trader Joe’s yesterday. 432 calories per serving! All of which reminds me of my grandmother’s remark, “The best exercise is pushing oneself away from the table!” ~Spangler

I’m tapping into the inner-wisdom of your grandmother Gary!

Today I will focus on “The Best Exercise!” 😉

An end to the Pilates vs. Yoga debate? 🤔


An hour of Yoga, an hour of Pilates, or a one second decision? OK, I’ll give it 5 seconds to honor all of Mel Robbins hard work! More on that in the link and even with the 5 second rule, you have to WANT to change... 😏


We should be careful here though Gary because your grandma’s one piece of advice could destroy the “Diet Revolution” business and potentially end the need for purchasing extremely expensive pieces of equipment designed not as clothes hangers, but for exercise... 😳

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Grandma was tall and slender. Both she and grandad grew up on farms in large families. They were key “cogs” of the farming operation. I grew up hearing how their extended family, all farmers (mostly crops), worked cooperatively. From planting the seeds to harvest time. Home gardens provided food for canning for winter meals. I view them now as practitioners of hard work and community spirit. Cooperation to share burdens.

In these modern times, tractors drive themselves. (As just one example of what has changed.) Instead of “everybody come plant the field corn,” time in the office attuned to their computers has become very important. Pushing away from the desk may be the hazard today.

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T-shirt: “I don’t mean to brag, but I did just finish a puzzle in less than a day, and the box said ‘2-4 years’!” 😁

Deb has taken on card writing as a retirement mission. Usually just a Hello or Sympathy or Special Birthday or Feel Better Soon or whatever. Pretty cards are a frequent purchase in this house. So should any new lines become available...

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Love the tee humor today!

Will certainly keep you posted of all new ventures! 🤗

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Nice one Jack! 🙌🏼

T-shirt: “I don’t mean to brag, but I did just finish a puzzle in less than a day, and the box said ‘2-4 years’!” 😁


#PricelessHumor 😉

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Is it weird that I didn’t notice the issue with the liner but did look on the ground to see if I could find where the “n” and “t” snuck off to?

Also, when Cal eats cashews does Typist get to taste them or only suffer the consequences of said cashew munching? 🤔

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In answer to your question… See today’s post! 👍🏻

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So, in other words, if I want an answer, it awaits me in the next blog post… Hmmm? 🤔

A potential future marketing tactic to maintain reader engagement?

Has me wondering if a little foreshadowing might not be good for ALL of your readers and subscribers?

You know that show on TV, the one you can’t wait to watch next week, how do you create that kind of engagement with all of us?

Why would I WANT TO carve out 5 minutes of my day to make sure I’m not missing anything?


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Thinking about how much time/energy I expend waiting for, reading, pondering, and responding to comments. 🤔

I will keep reading all! Maybe not respond to all?

Pick one per day and answer in the next day’s post… Sounds like a good experiment! 😃

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