Mundanity numbs the mind! I must confess to agreeing with Tal’s take on a dog’s life. Of course it’s four against one dog. Maybe?

“Keep your eyes on the prize,” from the Bible to Pete Seeger, may serve as a rallying cry. Closing in on completion of the first draft is no mean feat.

I can guess the Muses know that the draft’s completion also signals the next phase of work needed for birthing the completed book. A playful interlude to refresh minds and hearts for what comes next? (All work and no play ... )

With three books under everyone’s belt, my money is on smooth sailing ahead! All the best, Team!

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Oh... and in support of Nia's position and today's title...

The mundane can also make space for the mind to be incredibly active?

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I like that notion!

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May 28, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

“The mundane can also make space for the mind to be incredibly active?”

I love this question. It reminds me of the stereotypical parent describing how kids these days need gadgets when they only needed a stick and imagination.

It also reminded me of how much I yearned for normal and valued my solitude of 1-2 international flights per month.

How often is my resistance to change actually a boundary worth having? How often is it laziness? How often is it my mind just needing time to settle? And my gosh, why does basic physical activity especially in nature help make sense of it all -- and why do I keep forgetting that?

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“In the woods we return to reason and faith.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love your questions! And I suspect the answer to all of them are individual and situation specific.

It depends!


I’ve had a metaphor knocking… a comparison of life as a trip to the fair. Do you ride every ride and gorge yourself on every delight? Do you sit on a bench and simply watch? Do you find your own mix of what fits you?

I think that is God’s gift to us, but we’re very confused… and often see life as a burden, rather than a joy.

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Tal was paying close attention to Benjamin Buttons' embrace of adventure last night as we watched the film... for the first time!!!

So good.

Brad Pitt really takes on some thought provoking roles!

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And, a Triple Play today! Three quotes instead of just one... oh yeah! 🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼

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Clicking on the RESISTANCE link revealed the following result:

Kindle format purchased on October 5, 2020

Great minds think alike!

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I think I bought my copy at the half price bookstore? Not sure if it picked me from the shelf or if I came across a recommendation somewhere?

Had it for quite a while now.

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FB post: "Grandma once said, ‘Sometimes you have to hug the people you don't like, so you know how big to dig the hole in your back yard.’” 😁

Or just have Henny dig it for you... 😉

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