Thanks for sharing this. All of this. I’ve never read that fear can be helpful for healing. So I’ll offer this thought: The Universe is conspiring for your healing, as well as all of ours. Your followers. Fellow creatives. Writers, paintists, bakists, and the hole kit and caboodle. 😁

After all, that Einstein fellow said we can choose “Friendly” for our own view of the Universe. And he was smart on a couple other things...

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He was a wise one!

I like to think of the Universe conspiring for our healing. 💜

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Well done sticking that 1007!

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I have been downing tablespoons of unrefined, untoasted sesame oil to help the platelet count. Yummy!

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Gratitude often feels misunderstood and secretly suffers from an identity crisis.

Knowing full well the designated identified label assigned is that of a noun, gratitude actually self-identifies as a verb and secretly wishes the world would adopt the same view.

As a noun, gratitude feels limited and inferior to the verb. Gratitude also believes as a verb, the opportunity to create lasting transformation increases exponentially.

The conundrum for gratitude is realizing wanting to be something other than what is, probably borders on a form of ingratitude. Fortunately, gratitude remembered that essence is an inner quality and therefore malleable. If the most significant value available for humanity comes in the form of a verb, then by all means, gratitude should be proud to be the best verb possible!

Gratitude, now resigned to life as a verb, is reminding people across the globe, every day, to acknowledge their intuition for expression by embracing the act of gratitude with purpose and intention!


Acknowledging my intuition for expression by telling you just how important you are in my life! You and the girls are showing me a world I’ve always known deep down was available…

Now, because of YOU, I am living it!

I Am #Grateful 🙏🏼🕊🙏🏼


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As my Dad often says, “The road runs both ways.”

I hope you could see some of your shared inspiration in today’s letter. 😊

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I love the visual of Love and Fear dancing the tango and Love taking the lead.

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I have faith that humanity’s consciousness is evolving toward that tango through awareness, authenticity, and a recognition that we really can choose our responses to whatever experiences are tossed our way.

Thanks Billie! ♥️

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Answered prayers!! Soo thankful you were able to get your treatment. My daughter was never told to use anything to help raise her platelet counts. Treatments have changed so much in the last 25 years.

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There is not any scientific backing for use of the sesame oil, but my nurse navigator said she’s observed positive results in a number of her patients.

I’m also trying to bring more leafy greens and citrus into my diet hoping the vitamin C will invite more white cell production.

Seems we are both looking to food for health benefits!

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Button: “Textrovert [noun] a person who feels more comfortable talking over text than to your face.”  😁

Or over the phone, for that matter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Hmmm… If the noun fits, wear it? 😊

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I'm sorry I missed yesterday's wonderful news! I love the story about faith and doubt. I think anytime we deny the existence of very human emotions, we miss the opportunity to see what they can teach us. You are embracing it all, Gail, and look at the positive energy you've unleashed! Here's to more life-saving poison next week!

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