“Who’ll be my role model

Now that my role model is gone, gone.”

Paul Simon from “You Can Call Me Al.”

Nia’s nicked Thalia. Calliope is not her settled self. And Thalia’s a docent of sorts. “Everything can be this...”

I believe I’m reading that change and competence go hand in hand? At least the willingness to change when required. 🤷🏽

“Life takes a toll. Bring change.” Hippie bumper sticker...

Your mention of Blockbuster brings to mind one small store, Video 21, in our town. Of course they began with VHS tapes but later adapted to CD’s. They persisted in that business long after our last Blockbuster had shut their doors. At last Video 21 held a sale of their wares. The location then morphed into an antique store! And not the first VHS tape to be found... (note: I still have some VHS tapes and my prized Sony VHS player. Tape boxes bear counter #s for key scenes! Sentimental hoarding. 😬)

My plan for the day is to next read Jay’s Friday post. And to stay away from your river. Ice and all that... 🙃

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Gary, bless your heart, I had totally forgotten about counter numbers on favorite tapes. Or counter numbers, for that matter.

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I often call myself a “sentimental hoarder.” Old song lyrics mostly, but there is a certain compromise with storage capacity. 🤷🏽

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T-shirt: “I feel like my life is in Season 5 of a TV show and the writers have stopped coming up with story ideas that make sense and are now just are trying anything weird to keep the show interesting and not get cancelled.” 😁

So I'm scrolling down the 3mm newsletter and I see colored rectangles ("books" says my mind) and I scroll down more ("books over a door" expands my mind) and then more ("books at a... no... colored stones? wait... flowers... grass... ummmm...") and I have no clue what I was looking at but it's very pretty, Gail.

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Thanks for inspiring my Saturday post with this comment Jack! 😊

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