
A note from LoveLetterist:

This morning

as I reviewed my self-crafted, works-in-progress guides

I noticed that I have written the same answer under

Reward for Attempting This Mountain

on each one...

"I will become a person of more color and greater depth."

Is there a greater prize?

Sending a shout out to my friend DJ who offered me tools for designing my own life.


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A heaven to grow into… love that.

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🤗🤭me too!

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Jan 20Liked by 3musesmerge

A thematic masterpiece! After reading and looking at the whole of today’s post, LoveLetterist, I sensed that every part from the painting to the music to the Muses’ exchanges was crafted to the climax of Herbert Otto’s quote.

Perhaps a line from Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music underscores this:

Let’s start at the very beginning

It’s a very good place to start

Buenisima! (which can mean ‘yummy’ or ‘superb’ or ‘neat’ or ‘terrific’)

For this reader today’s post is a wonderful vignette of your life so far! I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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I have gotten this far with a lotta help from my friends! 🤗

Yesterday Jay Armstrong and I talked about something he wrote in yesterday’s Write On, Fight On blog where he once wrote about his love of the book — The Alchemist.

The author of the book, Paulo Coehlo, read his blog post aloud and posted it to Twitter! 🎉

Then… nothing more happened. 😂

The life of a writer. 🤷‍♀️

It raised a question for us though… and likely there are many shades of answers.

Does early success help or hinder an artist? Any success?

We both pondered how success can lead to creating for others rather than creating for the sheer joy of doing so. The magic of LOVE shrinks into the background?

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Jan 20Liked by 3musesmerge

When I read, then posted in response to this morning’s post, I had the memory of your presence with Jay on Thursday, “One Line, One Love.” There was more than a trace of the energy and joy that Julie Andrews exhibited in “Mary Poppins.”

I’m in no way suggesting a Mary Poppins look alike/act alike competition. Rather I’m suggesting that brightness of the spirit and warmth of the heart are not easily concealed.

Aside: The song, “Chim-Chim-Charree” won the Academy Award for Best original song in 1964.

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I saw a live clip of Julie Andrews sometime in the last year. She exudes light!

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