Thalia wipes spiderwebs from her cheeks. “Wahhh-t a great i-deee-ahhh!”
“Something old — given new life.” Nia pulls a bug carcass from her sock.
“The past…” Calliope sorts a folder filled with sheet music, “… is a treasure trove of possibilities.”
Life is divided into three terms — that which was, which is, and which will be.
Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present, to live better in the future.
~William Wordsworth
A note from LoveLetterist:
I led an expedition into the basement where I unearthed a two-pocket paper folder filled with pristine sheet music.
A program therein announces: European Concert Tour June 30 - July 14, 1983.
I'm simply amazed that I held onto this long-ignored bounty for over 40 years.
Me... who ruthlessly tosses the kid's preschool artwork into the dumpster!
The story I'm telling myself is... This music staked a claim and held tight in my life for a reason.
Now... What is that reason?
Let us see what happens next.
Today’s LoveLetter is as sweet as the day is long. Clever dialog. (Reminiscent of my sentimental jukebox ways)
Last, delighted to learn of your musical adventure in Europe 40 years ago. Congratulations!