“Wheeee!” Thalia touches a promise of lush, red, sweet, and juicy. “So tahhh-maaa-zing!”
“Seed, plant, fruit, harvest.” Nia anticipates insalata caprese on multi-generational Noritake while…
Calliope ponders yesterday’s adventure. “It was beautiful day…. to watch a race to the top!”
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
~ Isaac Newton
Yesterday I had an opportunity to watch my friends Skylar and Sam Schneider race at a local venue. You might recall from previous posts that in addition to cycling, the pair owns and operates a bakery named The Bread Pedalers? https://www.thebreadpedalers.com
After taking 1st and 2nd, the sisters both spoke with humility and gratitude -- recognizing the community support of their cycling, business, and family. It brings great joy to watch them flourish.
Seeds of inspiration for the next generation!
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not using it in a fruit salad.” 😁