Calliope rubs her neck in response to the whiplash of reading an article advising slow-is-fast within minutes of another advising Don’t-wait!
“Can you beeee-leve she called our Typist privileged and powwww-r-fulll?” Tal squints and drums her fingers on studio’s tabletop.
“I can.” Urania rests her chin on her palms. “She is.”
“Because… of us?” Cal releases her shoulders down her back. “A counsel of moderators who help her to see… that judgmental accusations erode… rather than build… trust.”
Do right, fear no man.
~ Dan Capel U.S. Navy SEAL
Two thoughts from Typist:
1. Thank you for your support of my Climb for Air!
Mostly because you are helping me to dispel a long held belief that asking for what I want/need is... somehow wrong(?).
2. I sent a request to Barnes and Noble yesterday... asking them to offer Wandering Words, Meandering Muses, and Flourishing Fictions to their customers. 😲 Today my ask is -- Will you please send up a prayer that B&N hears my call?
"If you don't know who you are praying to, join the club -- no one does, for sure." ~ Rolf Gates
I’m not certain that “serendipity” is the correct label. Today’s post title, CRUCIBLE, addresses the forces (fire traditionally) that shape and convert us to a better form. Something new.
The accompanying image of mortar and pestle could imply the opposite. Forces that grind us down. Either emotional distress or physical challenges if not both. Still the outcome can be like a crucible’s. A new and better form. Guacamole?
My own experiences in AA speak to both mechanisms. Reaching our “bottom,” not the one we sit on, is the pestle that readies us for change, brushed with humility. Then the working of the Twelve Steps combines the mortar and pestle (Steps 4-8) with the crucible (Steps 9-12).
The Muses - as a council of moderators - reminds me of references to “an Angel on my shoulder” as a guiding light. Mentioned by my grandmother in particular as the result of knowing and following God’s instructions for right-living. While not suggesting that the Muses are in fact God (‘tho they are manifestations of a purpose driven life), I believe taking instruction and guidance from Tal, Cal, and Nia could keep me headed in a good direction. 😁