Mar 1, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

A typo walks into a bra. 😁

"Come as you were born, but clothed." Well, I got the "no hair" part down... 😜

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Hahaha! This might be my favorite so far!

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For some reason on this platform, my laptop doesn't give me the option to use emojis. So I'll have to tell you you're funny, Jack. It's just not the same.

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The prep for surgery is intense, isn't it? Hope all goes well today. It sounds like you're in good hands and caring hearts.

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I’m so hungry! And I want to slather my body in lotion. Lips in chapstick. No. No. No.

Soon though! 😉

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I am patting Paintist 🎨 on the back too! I love that you captured the shower and the enthusiasm for the idea of going to, versus getting, a “port.”

“The most powerful nation on earth is:

ImagiNATION!” ~Dan Zadra

He also said, “Worry is a misuse of imagination.”

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Thalia worked the “port” play for days! Didn’t have a clue how it’d come together until we started writing this morning. 😊

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Brilliant post. Attitude is everything.

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Mar 2, 2022·edited Mar 2, 2022Author

A book by that title was incredibly influential for me… author Keith Harrell (sp?).

Thank you Kathy… for reading and commenting. ♥️

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Here’s hoping Thalia and her imagination have a grand time at the port!

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There is something kind of cool about taking a few deep breaths and falling into a dreamless sleep?

Isn’t it amazing?

What humans have discovered, imagined, and created?

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The Universe is friendly. All the best!

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All ported up and ready for the next steps.

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I don’t know if others will take the time to reply to this message from a year ago today, but it doesn’t matter.

I agree for starters, that Jack, is indeed, funny!

The playfulness with which you approached, this entire journey, is once again revealed to me in this early post before there had ever been any chemotherapy administered, which is pretty amazing!

And now, a year later, the fact you are disease-free, with a pathologic complete response (cured), is nothing short of an absolute miracle, and I credit you and the Great Mystery, in other words, God, for an incredible partnership that allows for you to bring your work to the world…

All I can say is, God must’ve decided you were needed here rather than someplace else, and that’s part of why you had the sensational response you did to this dreadful disease!

Carry on!


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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Author


I read this comment shortly before seeing my surgeon. After the port was removed, and I was stitched, I expressed my deep gratitude for her role in my “miracle”. Thanks for planting this impactful word in my mind!

This love letter is one of my favorite pieces that I’ve ever written. Guided by a higher power!

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