A note from LoveLetterist:

A number of years ago, a friend suggested I "follow the energy".

Sounds kinda woo-woo, but what I took away was, take action in the areas that excite you.

I keep doing that...

despite the fact that what excites me...

doesn't necessarily excite others.


Life's challenge has shifted from satisfying what I think the outside world wants from me...

to what the inside world wants.




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Woo-woo or Yoo-hoo, (like wake up and smell the coffee), even if the calling arises from the beat of a different drummer. The tokens denoting time in recovery for AA read, “To Thine Own Self Be True.” Thanks for the reminder!

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Great art today.😊 I dreamt last night of you and Henny on a middle of the night “Bark, howl, bark, bark, bark” outing. In a blizzard! Only the tip of her tail showing above the “white and drifted snow.” 🤔 I wondered if you had taken your glasses? An adequate light source? I saw a very long heavy string tied to the knob of the mud room door, in case of a whiteout! 🥶

So I’m glad to see you made it! BTW, the sledding dog was a great video! I wondered how long the training took?

On a day mostly confined to the studio (non-solitary confinement) choices seem both blessing and curse. Cal, in her wise way, notes the options saying, “We can do both!”

Presented with Michelle Sandlin’s advice to “...find all mysteries that lie within you” there may be more than two choices today. 😊

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Have you ever investigated a link I’ve shared a handful of times for an app called Betwixt? It’s an online, story-based, mental-health game. In one of the stories, you as the player, navigates a blizzard like the one in your dream. It is really cool!

Regarding training, I saw a clip of my friend and baker Skylar Schneider the other day. She was with her title-winning kick-boxing coach. Her caption was something about how far her skills have come as she’s being guided by an amazing coach who has done what she is learning.

I could be Henrietta’s sledding coach if my knees would stop protesting against deep snow on the hill.

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