“Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” Thalia trilled her ‘r’ like a saucy Spaniard. “Hats, mittens, and winter coats this morning. 🎶 Ohhhh… The times they are a chaaaaanjinnnnn.”
“Bob Dylan?” Even though she was fairly confident in her answer, Urania asked instead of declaring.
“Hmmmm… I have a question,” said Calliope. “Do the times change people… or do people change the times? Both?”
Words from Typist:
Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.
~Stephen Covey
I have a fondness for all seasons. This morning while Henny and I strolled with a brisk breeze licking our cheeks, I thought about how much I enjoy transitions — a first day in a winter coat after wearing short sleeves for months, or a first day barefoot in the grass after countless boot lacings.
How do you feel about change?
Are you an adventurer?
Or, more like Karen? 😂
That video is a riot! I'm a little of both, depending on the circumstances. What about you, Gail?
This drawing definitely would make a lovely fall greeting card. I would buy a set for certain. I love it so much. I am a little bit adventure and a little bit sit and watch.