“This painting might beeee-ee-eeee — one of my all time faaa-vor-ets!”
“Daisies suit you.” Nia searches studio for the trio’s planner — to confirm what time the afternoon play starts.
“Mhmmmm… cheerful, pure… joyous…” Calliope tickles Tal’s tummy.
“Let’s wear our present from Margaret today! I’m so excited to see The Wizard of Oz at the elementary school!” Thalia unpins the shamrock from its daisy pillow. “It’s not too much?”
“If it’s too bright…” Cal quotes a favorite tune and winks, “… it’s alright.”
“Don’t you ever dim your light for anyone —” Nia looks directly into Thalia’s eyes, “— including us.”
Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.
~ Maya Angelou
I fully agree that the daisies and shamrocks go quite well on the dark background!
Small world. We saw The Wiz yesterday, put on by a local professional theatre. Neither of us had seen it before (not even the movie) and we quite enjoyed it.
How completely delightful, Gail! Gary found the Raisa crumb. Very tasty.
I like today’s emphasis on being ourselves. Stepping off the garden hose if our intention is to “water” our gardens of personal growth. And at the same time we each are our own kinds of kinds. Words such as yours encourage the process of discovering who we are (insides) and how best to express ourselves. Sort of growing into our skin?
I realized from reading today’s post I’m more like the teacher in Harry Chapin’s song than I imagined. “Flowers are red, young man. And green leaves are green.” Hmmm, you ponder? The yellow/blue yarn is the shamrock? The pillow wearing a daisy is the “daisy pillow?” Even daisies grow tired? The mostly red object with swirls of threads and splashes of colors...🤔
“Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends.” Beatles, of course. And 3MM community.
I think seeing The Wizard of Oz with elementary school aged children would be fantastic.
On this St Patrick’s Day I imagine Tal’s shamrock will be one of the few you’ll see today. Lucky you!