Great news! Using the verbs instead of the nouns goes to show that it was an experience that you went through and have now conquered. Your new noun is Survivor in which you have been blessed. So happy to hear that you are now cancer free.

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Waaaa!! That’s wonderful!! Such good news. I’m so happy!

Hurray for doctors and nurses and medicine!

Your thinking about cancer-ing is so interesting.. ❤️

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Just brilliant news Gail - good to acknowledge the shifting feelings you experience as you prepare for new directions. 💚

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Such great news, Gail!! I'm sure it's normal to have mixed feelings about leaving a place where you put great effort into creating relationships. Time will give you perspective and show you all the many lessons you learned from this time in your life. For now, revel in your cancer-free status!!

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Love the words. [I wrote some stuff, deleted some stuff, googled some stuff.]

I found this

"The word “patient” conjures up a vision of quiet suffering, of someone lying patiently in a bed waiting for the doctor to come by and give of his or her skill, and of an unequal relationship between the user of healthcare services and the provider. The user is described simply as suffering, while the healthcare professional has a title, be it nurse or doctor, physiotherapist or phlebotomist.

Patient comes from the Latin “patiens,” from “patior,” to suffer or bear. The patient, in this language, is truly passive—bearing whatever suffering is necessary and tolerating patiently the interventions of the outside expert. "


Even the "going through chemo" is both true, and if I may speak out my backside, insufficient. It's the same words one might use on a call before losing cell service. The word -ing creates action. Whether the person doing the action engages is a different story though at least there's an active voice involved.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Oh Gail, this is so wonderful! You are undeniably a survivor and yet at the same time I see what you mean about wishing for a language that somehow captures the wholeness of the experience--being in this arena, "belonging to the place." I'm celebrating with you and feeling so grateful for a medical system that can so successfully eradicate c. Be well, my friend.

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Thrilled to hear this news, Gail. Thank you for sharing your complicated and nuanced response to your shifting identity. I love the way you share your thoughts in progress 👏❤️

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Garden sign: “FROG PARKING ONLY! All others will be toad!” 😁

(I had a more happy declarative quip waiting, but it didn't seem adequate. A dumb pun, OTOH, is ALWAYS in fashion!)

Delightful news, Gail! 💚 Yes, try living the verbs and discarding the nouns — it's a Gail thing, make it your own and head boldly forth!

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

The very best news, Gail!!

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I thought I remembered that there was more ahead for you. Start planning your celebration for February!!

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I can’t wait to have a conversation with typist about “typing” and this whole ing-ing thing... 😂🤣😂

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