T-shirt: “I hate it when I turn on the car in the morning and the radio music starts blasting… It’s like, WOAH, I’m not the same person I was last night. 😁
Like the philosopher said: "You never set your butt into the same car twice; it is not the same butt, it is not the same volume setting." Something like that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Uh-uh! No time for YT right now. I'm focusing on 4 projects: 3mm, Beneath the Peel presentation, sketching images for a book my friend has written, and... writing/illustrating book 4.
Thanks for caring Jack... and for all of the support you offer!
T-shirt: “I hate it when I turn on the car in the morning and the radio music starts blasting… It’s like, WOAH, I’m not the same person I was last night. 😁
Like the philosopher said: "You never set your butt into the same car twice; it is not the same butt, it is not the same volume setting." Something like that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
👏🏼Love what you did there Jack!
😱 You’re not getting those butt enlargement treatments are you?? 🙃
Nope! I’m growing and slimming at the same time!
I think I can. I think I can...
A most worthy post here. 🙏🏽
🤔 We can turn the hose down, right?
Yes! We can turn the hose down… if Tal will step aside and let us. 😂
In our fear we believe that we must make things happen; in our practice we learn to let things happen — Rolf Gates
Pure Magic wrapped up in this quote that Typist shared. There was a time when I believed I needed to “make it happen.”
Now, I intentionally create space for things to emerge from a place of centeredness, mindfulness, and focus... When I’m not down the rabbit 🐇 🕳️...
“The ‘center’ is the still, unmoving, fixed point of origin of all that will emerge.”
~Bobby Kountz, TheEarthHeARTist
So much value in these love letters...
Didn’t reply to yesterday’s because I had so much to say and then, “squirrel.”
Those rabbit holes can be so much fun though!!! My December training from the Universe seems to be all about learning how to step away from them! 😂
Uh-uh! No time for YT right now. I'm focusing on 4 projects: 3mm, Beneath the Peel presentation, sketching images for a book my friend has written, and... writing/illustrating book 4.
Thanks for caring Jack... and for all of the support you offer!