Thanks for being here and generously commenting Julie. This morning my friend Elaine and I hosted a Clubhouse room in which we talked about validation. There's an Englishman, Troy Hawke, who tosses out the most lovely, witty, and uplifting validations to passersby. He can be found on YouTube.
He said giving (sincere) compliments is a "natural high for the both of you." 😊
After enjoying the shag nut hickory facts, and the small strawberries accenting the “canvas”, the video suggesting that introverts can become comedians (comediennes) was a delight. Vinh Giang, describing the mechanisms of the process, was so helpful! I’ve read that First People boiled cracked nuts to produce a version of butter! I never went that far yet the cracking and finding the meat was synonymous with Fall!
This LoveLetter afforded a chance to share aspects of earlier times in our lives. 🙏🏽
A note from LoveLetterist:
Yesterday I came across a meme that said:
The joy of life can be found in the pursuit of becoming your best self.
Do we all have sweet meat hiding under our shells?
If you haven't already read this, you might like:
"There are no mistakes — just opportunities!" Yes! and what a great post. Thank you for sharing here Gail.
Thanks for being here and generously commenting Julie. This morning my friend Elaine and I hosted a Clubhouse room in which we talked about validation. There's an Englishman, Troy Hawke, who tosses out the most lovely, witty, and uplifting validations to passersby. He can be found on YouTube.
He said giving (sincere) compliments is a "natural high for the both of you." 😊
I will have to check him out. :) Thank you Gail. I'm so happy we have connected here.
I enjoyed that you began with an abstract illustration and ended with a practical application of the principles presented in the beginning. 🎩
The answer to your question is YES!
After enjoying the shag nut hickory facts, and the small strawberries accenting the “canvas”, the video suggesting that introverts can become comedians (comediennes) was a delight. Vinh Giang, describing the mechanisms of the process, was so helpful! I’ve read that First People boiled cracked nuts to produce a version of butter! I never went that far yet the cracking and finding the meat was synonymous with Fall!
This LoveLetter afforded a chance to share aspects of earlier times in our lives. 🙏🏽