“Hmmmm —” Thalia considers broken shell pieces that look like rocks, “the cahhhn-sept is killer?”
“Lacks execution.” Nią hunts for a long-neglected book about watercolor techniques.
“Wanting to make better…” Calliope tickles her cheek with a feather, “is the perfect place… to begin.”
The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.”
~J.P. Morgan
A note from LoveLetterist:
This morning we've a recognition
that if we want to level up...
we're gonna have to hit
the books
on those
who've already gone
where we want
Deftly done, Gail! The overall sense of softness registered first for me. Next, what caught my eyes, was that apparently Urania had donned her tutu and was working on her Grand Jete positions. Apparently she, too, doesn’t want to stay where she is. 🤔 I could have just seen a dandelion seed preparing for touchdown, suspended mid air by the artist’s brush. Plausibility, possibility. Check the mind’s eye.
Good, safe travels on your continued journey. If you encounter ballerinas raining down from the sky, pause and enjoy their skill set.