A note from Loveletterist:

Yesterday I enjoyed lunch in Lake Geneva with my cousin.

She's visiting from Dallas.

On the walk to the restaurant I disturbed a turkey vulture who was enjoying a roadside snack.

I'm glad I had my camera ready to capture its take-off.

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That reminds me of an artist from here. A ways back - early to mid eighties? She first created her logo work of art: “Roadkill Cafe.” Then went on to find somewhat similarly themed topics for her art and words. Checking on line now that theme seems omnipresent. Maybe she clipped it from somewhere else in her travels. 😊

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Just the other day that happened to me with the word tsunami! I nicked it without knowing.

A testament to how much we pick up from our environment?

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I was unaware of turkey vultures until I moved to PA. They are ALWAYS around somewhere; the hills and valleys make for good thermals, which they adore (good air time with little effort). Somehow, growing up in the northern burbs of Chicago, I never knew they were in Wisconsin.

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They are here in summer, but must migrate?

Yes, they do!

Not the most lovely fliers but truly graceful in the sky.

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This seems to me like a good day for a Rorschach inkblot test! As I zoomed in on Nia’s sole, er, collage, and saw everything from a group of kids holding hands and jumping around (motion inferred from their postures), a lower leg and foot, and a few others! Whee! I could go on but fear a welfare check request might get phoned in to the local authorities.

Did you ever learn the name of Mr. Obsequious? The interaction you shared seemed to get off to a good start, then “I gotta go” reared its head? Was that occurrence from a “100 Naked Words” piece? Mara sounded like a quintessential Lab with her garbage gut chomping on discarded bait. Did she roll in it?

I remember while growing up in PA that a species of tree dropped 2-propeller seeds this time of year. As well as some mono-prop versions like yours. Any bi-prop flyers in your area?

Thanks for providing rabbit holes with delicious frequency, Gail. Each new LoveLetter is like a treasure chest!

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Bi-props… errr… dunno.

Mike! And I think I wrote 6 or 7 pieces about our encounters. He eventually did get a red border collie (?) and named it Bingo. He never leashed the dog and told me once how life invigorating the dog was.

I did not see him this summer. 🤔

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A dog buddy can surely invigorate its owner’s life.

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You ain’t kidding!

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Some activities, by their nature, can be more entertaining than others. 🤭

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I used to chuckle when you wrote about the previous night’s bark-howl-bark-bark-bark. One day I imagined myself saddled with making Henny stop. Sleep loss for one. Red, baggy eyes for another. Walking out into the dark of night without proper eye wear or sometimes even supplemental light! It was then I began seeing your dedication to this new creature in getting it to be a good family member. Well done and then some.

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