Polymnia replied, “The orchestra of voices from the newly arriving species. It’s simply magical to sit at our patio table in early morning hours and hear them tuning their voices. Just like a full orchestra!”
Terpsi here. I love to walk on the sand barefoot or in the grass so green! I love to see the early spring flowers bloom! It’s like a miracle each time I see them. And the smells of lilacs in the air. That’s when you know it’s spring!
Nicked playfully from George M. Cohan’s Broadway musical…
Make no mistake, I love how you live out loud in all your doings, and would not intentionally intend derision. My Sentimental Jukebox is entirely a different matter, prone to storage recovery glitches. 😝
LoveLetterist replied, “Can’t you just junk that old contraption and go digital?” And the follower answered, “We have a strong commitment to analog sound whenever possible.”
All the best to Tal on her “bird dodging” - err - “bird watching” this Spring. Safety glasses as needed.
A note from LoveLetterist:
4th Muses -- What is something you love about spring?
Polymnia replied, “The orchestra of voices from the newly arriving species. It’s simply magical to sit at our patio table in early morning hours and hear them tuning their voices. Just like a full orchestra!”
Poly! You sent me on a quest! Likely unintentional?
I learned a new word!
Euterpe here..."The cotton tail bunnies that I see darting in the grass as I head out for an early morning run." What joy!
Typically it’s the blooms… This morning however, my Scribe was fascinated watching a wren tending her nest!
Does she have young already?
My father just told me he cleaned out his wren box for this year’s new residents. 😊
Terpsi here. I love to walk on the sand barefoot or in the grass so green! I love to see the early spring flowers bloom! It’s like a miracle each time I see them. And the smells of lilacs in the air. That’s when you know it’s spring!
Thank you for sharing Terpsi! We currently have daffodils and hyacinths blooming.
And… we also love to go barefoot as much as we can. :)
“I’m an ankle doodle dandy
An ankle doodle do or die”
Nicked playfully from George M. Cohan’s Broadway musical…
Make no mistake, I love how you live out loud in all your doings, and would not intentionally intend derision. My Sentimental Jukebox is entirely a different matter, prone to storage recovery glitches. 😝
LoveLetterist replied, “Can’t you just junk that old contraption and go digital?” And the follower answered, “We have a strong commitment to analog sound whenever possible.”
All the best to Tal on her “bird dodging” - err - “bird watching” this Spring. Safety glasses as needed.
I love that somehow, with a bounty of generous commenters, I excavated the ability to simply show up and be myself — crazy legs and all! 🤭