I think of Chris too when I think of GRATITUDE. It is a practice I work on daily. Some days are more challenging but there is always gratitude in my journey, even "the tricky bits".

Very grateful that I found your writing in 2022 and we became friends. I believe this was not an accident. You have added to my list of things to my gratitude list.

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I too believe our connection is not an accident! My life is better because you’re in it!!! Thank you Billie Short for modeling responsible and inspired action with enthusiasm and kindness! Love you!

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Before dinner, we each say three things that we are grateful for. Long stories and vague gratitudes are not preferred - we do have to eat (too long) and it is a time to share(too short). Also, it must be since the last 24 hours. I am grateful that this ritual exists in our house.

P.s. Autocorrect does not like the plural of "gratitudes" suggesting that since it is non-countable there is not a plural. [A collection of gratitudes such as this, however, is an exception for pluralization.] I think it's probably that gratitude is (in general) non-countable. Otherwise, we'd probably measure and optimize the humanity right out of it.

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"Otherwise, we'd probably measure and optimize the humanity right out of it." 😂

I like the household ritual you've shared... and wonder... Did you start it when your children were young?

The not too long/not too short preference reminds me of how our group of ladies participate in our Listening Circle meet-ups. 😊

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I think we started it when one of our kids was 9 and the other was 11. Like all new things, it was bumpy at first. We were trying to stop the race to eat as well as take a moment to think about something, anything that were grateful for. It's not grandiose. Every Thursday, one of mine is guacamole because we have Taco Thursday. One of my daughters is grateful for some awkward or seemingly negative things though when question (after dinner starts), she talks about how she felt connected to someone or that it was humorous. I'd say some mechanical device that saves me time or headache makes one of the 21 each week.

It also creates an opportunity for discussion and/or prompts some reflection. When our minds are set to "grumpy" or "foul", it helps to put something good on the either side of the scales.

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I so appreciate your ritual! And am interested in introducing some form of it into our family dinners. 👍🏻

Thank you for sharing!!!

Guacamole rocks!

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

An admirable tradition. A bean counter might ask about the “cost/benefit ratio.” Uncountable I suspect. I see a strong argument for making this a practice in our household. Thanks for sharing.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I am grateful for my dog buddy, Izzie, a “Fido” in the truest sense of the word. She is by my side (mostly; running to greet our neighbors does occur, and represents her joy, to me) on walks, in my car on errands, and at bedtime on the bed with us. While territorial skirmishes occur when Buster cat tries to join the pack, there’s little disruption from her being amongst us.

More broadly, staying in contact with friends and family, neighbors, and of course the 3mm community, is a fine source of gratitude. To be alive. To feel connected.

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"To be alive. To feel connected."

I second that!

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This is my (almost) daily practice of gratitude, Gail: I get in bed at night, grateful that at that moment, my loved ones are safe. If something horrific had happened that day, I would wish for that very thing--to be safe and cocooned in my bed, unsullied by tragedy.

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Thank you for sharing Karen! I too love the safe cocoon in my bed. 💜💚♥️ Grateful to feel warm, held, and cozy.

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What a theme! What a post! My heart is full of gratitude from reading this post and the replies. And, it’s about to be overflowing as I watch the Premier of Louie Schwartberg’s next film! “Gratitude Revealed!”

More to come on the Chris Palmore connection...

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Refrigerator magnet: “π r not²! π r round! Cornbread r²!” 😁

I keep forgetting to tell you, Gail! We used one of your Gift of Shared Kindness envelopes coming back from our trip to Chicago. The long term parking shuttle driver saw us schlepping our bags to the shuttle stop after he started to close his door, and not only did he open up again, he extended the ramp to make it easier to step up. (We probably looked elderly. <cough>) Then on the trip to the lot, on the shuttle's intervehicle radio we could hear his supervisor giving him grief about taking the shuttle with the check-engine light on... and a minute later his dispatcher apologizing to him getting set up by the driver he relieved, who was new and didn't know she was supposed to have reported that. I gave him the envelope on our way out. I hope it made his night a little better.

We were grateful for a patient driver at the end of a long day. 💚

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That’s a “pi” symbol, right? 😃

Warms my heart to hear your story about another share of GoSK rippling kindness. Thank you and Deb for being the best ambassadors of my creation with Manu!

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Oh dear, I had my nerd blinders on — what, not everybody automatically knows the original pi symbol (lowercase)? Not everyone can estimate it to six digits? 🙄🤓

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You must remember… Gail does not own math socks! 😂

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

3.141593? A repeating decimal that runs on pie...

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Ahhh! Who doesn't love pie? Lemon, cherry, French silk.... pecan, blueberry...

Who's hungry? 😂

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Pecan Pie for me thanks!

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Pecan pie is the bomb!

I ran into my neighborhood Saturday morning. We talked about our plans for the day. He and his wife were driving clear across the state to get pies from: https://www.facebook.com/piedepot

What a road trip!!!

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I promised an additional comment on the Chris Palmore connection and here it is…

Chris and I originally met virtually on a social audio platform. Before Anchor was a podcast platform, it was a very popular audio space.

It was the Clubhouse of today without all the bells and whistles.

Anyway, the one thing Chris and I both immediately recognized in each other was our love of gratitude and it’s potential to shift the consciousness of the planet.

A friendship slowly began to grow.

As we nurtured our friendship, we started talking about meeting in person…

We finally made it happen with a commitment to meet! And, since then, we completed an audiobook project and have collaborated on multiple podcast episodes etc.

More importantly, a reciprocal visit is scheduled which includes some quality time visiting The Grand Canyon and other National treasures.

That visit is only a week away. Rocio and Mr. Al, Chris’s dad will be along for the visit!

What is a friend?

The dictionary doesn’t list Chris Palmore as the answer, but I can!

If you want to know anything about Gratitude, Chis is your guy! If you want to know anything about mindset or attitude, I will do whatever I can to help you facilitate the answer you’re seeking, and I will do it #Gratefully!

When you put Chris and I together what you get is: “An Attitude of Gratitude!” #Synergy

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Oh! I hope you and the Palmore's have an amazing visit and sightseeing tour! 🙏🏻 I bet the four of you will touch a lot of hearts while out and about!

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

My friend Gail! Thank you for your kind words here. The best response I have is that we fill each others cups up! There is a long line of people/ encounters/ things that had to happen for us to meet. It really brings me joy that you thought of me this day and our friendship.

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😊 I like thinking about how we both made choices that led us to connect. How cool is that?!

Thank you many ways you inspire me!

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I told Deb about Henny's nut collecting.

DEB: From everything I have heard about that dog, that is COMPLETELY in keeping with Henrietta's personality!

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Tell Deb… This morning Henny picked up a nut on our way down the driveway. She carried it for the entire 1 1/2 mile walk without setting it down. Once through the house door, she ran right through the laundry area and down the hall with her treasure to the family room carpet. Only once her breakfast was served did she part with it.

She’s such a gift of joy!

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