Jack! Thank you for your comment which sent me down a well of thoughtful consideration and pondering -- going deeper into my (and the muses) why. I will try to tackle with grace in today's 3mm.
For everything there is a season? Something about yesterday's letter was like a pebble in my shoe after (before even?) I hit publish. I've been tr…
Jack! Thank you for your comment which sent me down a well of thoughtful consideration and pondering -- going deeper into my (and the muses) why. I will try to tackle with grace in today's 3mm.
For everything there is a season? Something about yesterday's letter was like a pebble in my shoe after (before even?) I hit publish. I've been trying to find it in my sock.
Oh! Covid... Are you feeling okay friend?
IOW -- Military acronym for Information Operations Warfare?
Ha! Love your last question. That's exactly how my mind works. 😂
Jack! Thank you for your comment which sent me down a well of thoughtful consideration and pondering -- going deeper into my (and the muses) why. I will try to tackle with grace in today's 3mm.
For everything there is a season? Something about yesterday's letter was like a pebble in my shoe after (before even?) I hit publish. I've been trying to find it in my sock.
Oh! Covid... Are you feeling okay friend?
IOW -- Military acronym for Information Operations Warfare?
Ha! Love your last question. That's exactly how my mind works. 😂