Typist removed her damp headscarf.
Thalia picked at the dirt under her nails.
Urania plucked thistle thorns from her thumb and…
Calliope sighed with satisfaction. “Great! We’ve cleared a large section of weedy ground and planted the acorn squash and Jack-o’-lantern. We’ve ringed the tenderlings with rhubarb leaves to help with weed control and water retention. Thank you for the suggestion reader Sharon!” Cal waved at the ether.
“Tenderlings?” Urania looked up from her thumb. “Do you think the world is ready for this muse speak we seem intent on creating? At this rate we’ll have made up 365 new words by year’s end.”
Thalia cooed at the baby squash. “You’re going to be delicious one day! Ralph Waldo… Adopt the pace of nature: Her secret is patience.”
Words from Typist:
Not only is the squash plant on its way to bearing fruit, 3musesmerge is growing strong, healthy, vigorous connections. The trio and I are watching in wonder and awe.
Reader Gary is participating in The Big Joy Project. Per missionjoy.org:
In just 7 minutes a day for 7 days you can create some JOY for yourself AND be part of the largest-ever citizen science project on JOY! Isn't that amazing?!
Yesterday’s artwork…
I leaned toward dotted faces and solid dresses.
My reason?
I don’t enjoy drawing faces and cannot consistently get the features to turn out the same. 😂 I’m also not a fan of the muses looking like cartoon characters. Hmmm…
An overwhelming majority of responses favored the muses on the right — smiling muses. We want to see faces! Thanks to everyone who offered an opinion.
I have another idea up my sleeve.
Try again!
Adopt the pace of nature.
Keep going.
I quickly noted the rich soil around your pumpkin plant. Soil under nails measures efforts!
If the Rorschach Inkblot Test is familiar, the way faces appear from one day to the next can also be a “Projective Technique.” That is, what we “see” is at least, in part, a reflection of who we are in that moment. Or what we draw? What we hear?
I’m still reflecting on my perception of the dotless faces from yesterday? Maybe having already participated in BigJoy, Day 2/morning portion, had primed me to “see” more clearly or more comprehensively? Somehow knowing about their respective personalities allowed me to project some of that onto what you drew? Whatever was operative at that time with me saw much more “expression” in the Muses faces! 🤷🏽
On the BigJoy experiment I’ve undertaken, a couple comments. The 7 minute estimate is misleading. First, there are 2 activities per day and so far none has taken just 7 minutes. For me that’s not a deal breaker. Second, the exercises for me offer a chance to lighten my mood as I start my day and can play out in the rest of my day.
Opinions vary widely on how long it takes to form a new habit. None suggests my one-week, 7-day exercise is adequate. My search on this found references to a 66-day average time! Is there a downside to expending the effort? The effort after all is to learn how to bring joy to the lives of others and, in turn, to ourselves. Not at all a new concept, but establishing that as my default setting is a whole other matter. (Note: that isn’t the case right now, but this old dog is willing.) In another lifetime I studied research design and methodology so the experimental structure of BigJoy is not a poor choice for me. However we can bring joy to the lives of others, and ourselves, is the point. Beau coups writing and thinking exists on the topic. “Follow the yellow brick road!”
I am inspired and empowered by the richness of this community and the understanding that we can indeed do hard things and here is an opportunity to join in on a FREE 45 day challenge to celebrate a ride across America AND 🚴🇺🇸🚴 the understanding that we can all be more mindful. Guaranteed to change your life or your money back! Did I mention it’s free and comes with an ironclad money back guarantee? 😂🤣😂