The Muse of Wit leaped and sang, “Peel a banana upside down… If you spell your name correctly, you will get another turn. Capital T-H-A-L-I-A.” With nary a huff nor puff, Tal squealed, “Eeeee! I get to go again!”
“You’re the only one among us who can jump double Dutch anyhow,” Calliope sighed. “Nia and I prefer double Dutch in other ways.”
“Like cake, ice cream, and brownies,” said Nia. “We’ll take our satisfaction in setting the stage for your unbridled enthusiasms.” Cal and Nia set their hands back in motion.
“Everybody’s got a dream,” Tal jumped in. “What’s your dream?”
Words from Typist:
This story sent off a cascade of contemplation in my noggin.
First I thought —
How awesome that these ladies are getting exercise and having fun at the same time.
Next I pondered —
”You jump double Dutch with someone, you instantly develop a different kind of relationship with them.”
”And now I feel like these ladies are my sisters.”
Then I wondered —
Would anybody I (Thalia?) know want to jump double Dutch? What about a kid’s-game-night-for adults in my neighborhood?
And although I very much like the idea, I do not want to be in charge of leading the charge.
That’s okay.
As Liz Gilbert points out in Big Magic, ideas aren’t fussy. If you don’t move on them, they’ll find new homes without holding it against you.
I put a little air under the idea by puffing it at a trio of men who have been meeting to share conversation and walking together on weekday mornings since the dawn of Covid (a testament to the maxim that nothing is all bad or all good). Henny and I often cross their path and enjoy good morning pleasantries.
I’ll be interested to see if the idea finds purchase in fertile ground.
An inspiring post, Gail.
“I’d really like to start Double Dutch, but I have a wooden leg!” (I stole that from “Gestalt Therapy Verbatim” by Fritz Perls, a Gestalt Therapist in the 70’s). He was speaking of people who set unrealistic goals then offer a justification when they fail to achieve that goal. He cited a patient who often spoke of wanting to run a marathon. Except he really did have a wooden leg!🤷🏽
Another view is to set our goals high, the sky’s the limit! In striving to meet those goals we still can achieve great things w/o reaching the ultimate goal?!
I like how “double Dutch” symbolizes team work and shared aspirations. Does “not being in charge” mean you’re okay being a foot soldier? 🙃 Yet you are the field General of 3mm and so much more!
Have you had a chance to watch any Double Dutch competitions? Before smartphones and social media consumed the world, DD was central to African-American life in some boroughs of NYC. The speed in competitions was jaw dropping to me! Some of the DD competitors, from their youth, have preserved the sport!
Thanks for this train of thought!
SIGN: “PLEASE EXCUSE THE MESS! My kids are making memories.” 😁
> “...ideas aren’t fussy. If you don’t move on them, they’ll find new homes without holding it against you.”
I like it! And not just because it means I don’t have to act on all my ideas! 😉