Calliope climbed out from under the table. She rubbed her rump and grimaced. “Maybe we weren’t ready for yoga last night.”
“If people waited until they felt ready… They’d never do anything,” said Thalia. “Our old friend Robert Frost said, ‘Freedom lies in being bold.’”
Urania’s lips pursed. She squinted like she’d just reached the pucker point between a lemon drops sugary coating and the hard candy’s middle. “We missed yesterday’s post.”
“Bold is… Not calling attention to that.” Thalia twirled. “Do you really think in this age of bulging inboxes that anybody noticed?”
Calliope nodded her agreement. “Keep calm and post on.”
The muses have such wisdom to share. Two messages that I needed today: 1. If I wait until I feel ready, I’ll never begin. 2. Keep calm and post on even if I have missed days. Thank you muses!
“Hey, Tal!” (forgive my cheeky use of your inter-Muse appellation). “… that anybody noticed! Like not noticing the taste difference while enjoying a lemon drop? Or Red Hots? Or sauerkraut and pork roast?”
“And Nia?” (See mea culpa op cit.) “Do you worry that missing a day constitutes a breach of trust with readers and subscribers alike? Not this one.”
“Cal, of the ouchy derrière,” (ditto) “A little bird told me that scribe-painter-typist had a full day yesterday. So still getting to yoga class doesn’t fall too short of a miracle. Did someone swipe your yoga mat?”
Today is all we have. Ever. Enjoy!