“Wahhhhhh-wwww!” Thalia stretches abundance from yesterday’s fair festivities. “Ins-pehrrrr-ation ovehrrr-load!”
“No doubt —” Nia ponders how many years it’s been since the trio traversed the smorgasbord of familiar sights. “— we perceived with fresh eyes.”
“Change the way you look at things…” Calliope scratches an itch, “… and the things you look at… change.”
Miracles happen every day, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you.
~Jon Bon Jovi
Notes from Loveletterist: Thalia speaks our truth when she shares that we are overloaded with inspiration from yesterday's trip to the Wisconsin State Fair.
It has been five or more years since my last visit. In that time, little has changed about the fair, and much has changed inside me. How fun to observe that! I saw miracles everywhere.
This is a keeper post! (Well, they all are😊) I detected a flood of emotions, memories, and discoveries. Change the eyes, change the prize?
Did Nia have a favorite part? Were there 4H type livestock exhibits? Is 4H still a thing? In my mind the shrinkage in the number of small, family farms limits opportunities for youth today to see opportunities in all the aspects of agriculture.
The hybrid apple was fun to see! With such exhibits to see, no wonder Thalia is still smoldering from yesterday! Assuming kids of all ages can exhibit their wares (yummy pastries, collage creations), I would expect a powerful lobbying effort by the Muses for you to enter next year. So they can go back to examine the works of others! (Like our children going off to school...😔)
I felt myself back at the local fairs of my youth. County fairs mostly. Youngsters proud of their charges: goats, sheep, calves. The smell of things frying, the games to see if you could win a stuffed bear, the cotton candy. You didn’t let Tal have cotton candy, did you?! It’s easy to picture her with a generous application to face and chin, hands, maybe even Cal?
Thanks for bringing big fair bites home with you, Gail. They stirred lots of memories, if you hadn’t noticed... 😁