Calliope rubbed her thumb over pinhead-sized wound on her index finger. “We sure got a lot of weeding done yesterday!”
“Did you say procrastinating?” Thalia teased.
Urania looked as if she’d licked a lemon while surveying the check-box chart she’d made over a week ago. Three entries, six boxes containing an X.
What happened to the enthusiasm?
“Don’t worry.” Thalia slipped her hand into Urania’s. “The passion for our book about Typist’s dance with c has not dissipated. In fact, a number of our conversations this week have added color and dimension to what we will share.”
“Like this morning…” said Calliope, “… our friend Margaret reminded us of Doctor S’s answer when Typist asked if he could point to any reasons why she has triple negative breast cancer.”
“Dumb luck… He told her it was dumb luck. Wouldn’t that be an interesting title?” Tal asked.
“Between the three of us, we’ve got what it takes to bring this book to fruition.” Calliope pointed to a list of attributes she’d written on a sticky note — Creativity, Courage, Discipline, Energy, Enthusiasm, Patience, Passion, Skill, Tenacity, and Tantrums? “Errr… I’m going to erase tantrums. I see no need for those.”
“Quite right.” Nia took the Muse of Harmony’s hand and the trio disappeared into the kitchen.
Perhaps a fresh cup of tea was a micro-habit that would initiate a few paragraphs or drawing each day?
Words from Typist:
Please allow me to offer a public commitment to action?
Next Friday… Nia’s check-box chart will have more entries than Xs.
I’ve moved on to a re-read of Kleon’s book Show Your Work.
The muses and I thank you for allowing us to share our progress with you!
I think part of “the work” will include watching drawing tutorials — maybe even taking a class? Heaven knows my drawing skills will benefit from practice!
This morning in Simple Abundance I read:
A low opinion of our abilities is a handy cop-out when facing creative challenges, but the Great Creator is on to us by now. Actually, feeling inadequate to the task we’re asked to do seems to be a spiritual pre-requisite.
“Good things come to those who wait.” “I prayed for patience and God said, ‘Wait’.” Silly punctuation! The former from summer Bible School. The latter from my time in the rooms of AA. You’d be right to guess I was impatient in the days of Bible School.
As the tea steeps, so do book ideas! And I think what’s going on now well matches your reading from Simple Abundance today about how feeling not well suited to a task is where assigned tasks begin? Can you imagine Stephen King dreading starting his next novel? Or Pablo Picasso hesitating to whip out a charcoal on paper sketch? Some of his best done in mere minutes!
You’re right where you are supposed to be! An admired leader of this community, surrounded by appreciative readers, and books already under your belt! You go girl!
As Gary has said Gail. You got this!!