“Three-two-one-two-three! Threeee-two-one-two three! Yipee-yay! We’re off and away! Three-two-one-two three!” Thalia pleases herself with song.
“Quite an experience.” Nia closes her eyes and inhales appreciation for the lessons.
“Last year about this time we had a port implanted… today it’s coming out…” Calliope muses, “We don’t need it anymore... gratefully aware that safe harbor… is our home.”
Secure yourself to heaven.
Hold on tight, the night has come,
Fasten up your earthly burdens,
You have just begun.
~ Indigo Girls
Many days are just as perfect as we choose. (Great song choice!)
Revisiting March 1, 2022, offered important context for today’s post.
Onward with another installment of:
“The Days of Our Lives”
Reality is often far better than Soap Operas. 😁
Perfect day!