“So — huuuuuu-mid!” After a game of pick-up-sticks, Thalia takes a long pull from a short glass.
“Had to be done.” Sweat beads roll from Nia’s neck, finding the path of least resistance between her shoulder blades.
“Mother Nature sure knows how to prune…” Calliope rubs an eye and surveys the yard. “Now we can ride the mower!”
You can only become accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.
~ Maya Angelou
Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get — only with what you are expecting to give — which is everything.
~ Katherine Hepburn
So now you’ve become a “Riddler?”
Tal exclaims about humidity, but why is that so from playing a game inside? Nia’s comment “It had to be done” didn’t square with game play? Finally Cal’s observation about Nature being a good pruner assuaged my burning curiosity.
The container of seltzer demonstrates the wizardry of product naming. First I saw the seltzer as a lemonade-flavored seltzer. Refreshing! But at the top seems to be Blood Orange Lemonade? So the lemon essence also has the essence of blood oranges, amiright? I’d ask for a taste before purchasing...
But the essence of today’s LoveLetter is really focused on how we relate to our work, our endeavors. Growing up adults would advise, “Find a job that you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Other adults scoffed at the simplistic formula. 🤷🏽
Maya suggests that love is the precursor to choosing the work in which we chose to engage. Kathryn is more subtle on the subject, tied more to our giving than to our receiving. ‘Tis better go give than to receive?
I’ll bet you are delighted that Cal (and other Muses as well?) loves the riding lawn mower! 😉
Love the Kate Hepburn quote! 💚