Damp from drops that outran radar, the muses towel Henny.
“Breakfast?” Urania inquires.
“How ahhh-bowwwt — wildflower sumac surprise?” Thalia presents the unexpected with cheeks as rosy as her creative wrap.
“Dazzling… Let’s put it in a vase.” Something in Cal’s subconscious connects the word poison with sumac 🤔. “I’ll start scones. Rainy days demand butter, sugar, and flour… cheery cherry or perky peach?”
Nia dabs a glimmer from Tal’s nose. “Thank you — for the delicious color you bring to our table.”
Anyone can buy a car or a night on the town. Most of us shell our days like peanuts. One in a thousand can look at the world in amazement. I don’t mean gawking at the Chrysler Building. I’m talking about the wing of a dragonfly. The tale of the shoeshine. Walking through an unsullied hour with an unsullied heart.
~Amor Towles Rules of Civility
Note from Loveletterist:
I looked it up.
The sumac in our neck of the world is not poisonous.
It IS gorgeous in fall crimson.
The season is showing signs of change.
Tal’s creation is definitely First Prize material! I hear a growing presence of creativity among the Muses! Perhaps you are becoming their Muse in that department?
The scone variations sound delightful! Would the two fruits combine harmoniously? My tongue’s brain suggests so.
Amor Towles spoke wisely about what really has value for our lives. Long ago folks would quip, “The one who dies with the most toys wins!”
Thoreau saw it equity differently: “When you move, if you have more possessions than you can carry on your back, you are burdened with possessions.”
Today’s love letter is anything but a burden! 😁