I think the good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice.
~Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness.
Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.
~August Wilson
A note from LoveLetterist:
It came to my attention yesterday (thanks Gary) that muses might be considered "girly/feminine/for women".
no. No. NO!
Muses are the voices in our heads who guide the thinking, being, and doing of our days.
If we want to be more -- to do more,
we need to befriend them,
to cut down their donut consumption,
to hold them to a higher expectation.
We are here to live.
Start teaching them to choose courage over comfort.
Yesterday's invitation received three responses -- thank you Gary, Julie and Sharon.
I invite you to be the 4th Muse.
What is your muse's name?
(It can be anything. Anything! Bob, Susie, Joe, Connecticator, Exploratora, Little Boy/Girl Me...)
Are you creative?
(No is not an acceptable answer.)
Do you have the courage to share your muse's name in comments?
Let's do this!
What a saga! I forgot to mention yesterday that in my reading of Ancient Greek mythology yesterday, “Calliope” was often regarded as the very best. A good singing voice, always carrying a slate for promptly recording important thoughts and moments, and a respected writer.
Two Calliopes is a crowd. The total business of Muse history merits at least a term paper. Allowing decisions based on information? Not all that “artly” I suppose. 😔