Last week’s pantry purge unearthed a dusty bottle of unrefined sesame seed oil. In an effort to beef up Loveletterist’s platelet count during chemo, she plugged her nose and downed two tablespoons daily.
Did it help?
Only God knows.
Nią reads questionable information from the internet. “This article notes that sesame seed oil might help rejuvenate crepey, dry skin.”
“I haaaaate it when our humans start to wither!” Thalia slathers and massages. “Curse depleting elastin! Curse — growing old.”
“Does every loss… come with a gain?” Calliope watches an immature chickadee peck open a sunflower seed. “Without 55 years of experience… Could we love-letter like we do?”
“Thank you.” Thalia looks up from skin that now shimmers. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.”
Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.
~ David Bowie
I love this quote by David Bowie! If I read this correctly, as I ease on past 55 (😳) and lose elastin with each new day, am I also becoming more the person I should have been? I hope he didn’t think crepey skin, bruising when struck with a feather, and skin like tissue paper is what I should have always been!😳 With the rambunctious life I lead when younger, I would have needed a port for regular transfusions!
I use toasted sesame seed oil in some stir fry dishes. Does unrefined oil become “toasted” by virtue of a frying pan and low heat? Repurposing the oil could spare you the feeling of preparing for a greased pig contest when Thalia goes overboard with her slathering!🤔😬
I used to think that turning 30
Would mean I had grown up
Now I see that turning 30
Just meant I was a pup!
Now that I am 30 doubled
Plus a couple more
Then will I be a wise dog
If I live 30 more?
Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.
~ David Bowie
For me, 👆🏼THIS #QUOTE 👆🏼is the #Truth!
I am becoming... 😎 I am #Grateful